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As soon as Hyunjin pulled the mask off the boy, he realized with a jolt that it wasn't Felix but rather someone else entirely. The boy's eyes widened in alarm and he quickly yanked his hand away shouting, "Get off, creep!" before dashing away.

Hyunjin stood there, momentarily stunned by the mistake. He glanced around to see if anyone had noticed then took a deep breath, frustration and confusion mingling in his mind. The scent had been so familiar to Felix's.

He still remembers his scent.

Hyunjin took out another cigar and lit it, the smoke curling around him as he drowned in his thoughts. The memories of four years ago resurfaced again. He never wanted to kill Felix, but the failure to find Felix's twinhad driven him to the edge.
In his rage and frustration, he had taken out his anger on Felix, who had been innocent all along.As he inhaled deeply, Hyunjin felt a pang of guilt gnaw at him. He remembered Felix's terrified eyes, the desperate pleas.

He had been consumed by anger, blinded to the innocence of the boy he had hurt. Felix had been the unfortunate recipient of that anger, a wrong target for his fury. In that moment, his judgment had been clouded by desperation and anger and Felix had paid the ultimate price.

After Felix's death, Hyunjin had focused all his efforts on protecting Hyerin, the only family he had left. His sisters were his world, and he vowed to shield them from any harm but he failed.
For six long months, he had hunted for Yeji, determined to bring her home. But when he finally tracked her down in Saudi Arabia the reunion was marred by a violent shootout.

Bullets flew, and in the chaos, Yeji was struck down. Her death had been swift her soul departing before Hyunjin's eyes.In his grief-stricken rage, Hyunjin had slaughtered everyone involved. He hadn’t paused to consider twice, hadn’t hesitated as he gunned down those he held responsible.

The Chois, once powerful and untouchable, had been framed for hiring Felix’s twin to kidnap Yeji. Hyunjin's vengeance was brutal. He had shown no mercy, executing Beomgyu and Yeonjun. His hands stained with the blood of his enemies trembled slightly as he recalled the horrors he had unleashed.

His father had put end to the founder of Blood Hounds and now his son put an end to the whole clan.

He had tried to justify his actions, convincing himself that it was all for Hyerin, for Yeji. But deep down, he knew that his rage had destroyed innocent lives turning him into a monster.

Yet after all of this...he still couldn't find the real culprit. Lee Yongbok. The mastermind who hired Yongbok used Hyunjin to wipe out the Chois.

The cozy kitchen was filled with the aroma of freshly cooked food as Yongbok placed the final dish on the table. Felix smiling warmly, sat across from his twin brother, feeding his three-year-old son. The toddler giggled, his cheeks puffed out with each bite.

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now