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"In the heat of the moment, with reckless abandon, a choice was made, oblivious to the looming shadows of consequence lurking just beyond the horizon

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"In the heat of the moment, with reckless abandon, a choice was made, oblivious to the looming shadows of consequence lurking just beyond the horizon."


The Rex , a name struck fear into the hearts of many, his reputation as one of the most powerful figures in the underground world preceding him like a dark shadow.

Known for his involvement in trafficking and organ selling, Rex operated with ruthless efficiency, his iron grip on the criminal underworld earning him both respect and fear from those who dared to cross his path.

With a network of loyal followers at his command, Rex navigated the waters of the black market with ease, his connections reaching far. No one dared to defy him.

Despite his notoriety, The Rex or Rex remained elusive, his true identity shrouded in secrecy as he operated from the shadows, pulling the strings of power with a deft hand.

Rex displayed the picture of a girl, his assistant's eyes widened in shock, recognizing her as none other than Hwang Hyunjin's sister.

The realization sent a shiver down their spine, for the Hwangs were known as the undisputed bosses of the mafia world, their power and influence extending far and wide.

"It's just for 72 hours. By then, the mafias will have had their fun with Hyunjin's sister."

"But sir, 72 hours is still—"

"Enough time to make a fortune. Trust me, this is our ticket to the big leagues."

"But what about the consequences? The Hwangs won't take this lightly."

"Let them come. We'll deal with them when the time comes. Right now, our priority is profit."

The assistant's expression showed their concern, but they knew better than to argue further with Rex. In the dangerous world they inhabited, loyalty to their boss was paramount, even if it meant risking everything for a chance at wealth and power.

"Boss, still are you sure about this? The Hwangs... they're not to be messed with."

But Rex's expression remained impassive, his eyes glinting with a steely resolve that brooked no opposition.

"I'm well aware of who she is. And I know exactly what I'm doing."

His assistant could only nod in reluctant agreement, knowing better than to question their boss's judgment.

"But boss Rex, how are we going to kidnap her,she has like high security around her."

Rex's lips curled into a sly grin as he reached for a folder on his desk, pulling out several photographs and laying them out for the assistant to see.

"With a little bit of deception, my friend. Meet our key to the operation."

The assistant's eyes widened in surprise as he looked down at the photographs, seeing two identical-looking boys staring back at them.

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now