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In the blazing flames, Felix's loud wails could be heard mingling with the sound of the crackling of the wood. With tear-streaked cheeks,face contorted with agony he thrashed against Hyunjin's arms.

Hyunjin looked down at Felix in his arms with a smirk and held him firmly,
His laughter cut through the chaos like a dagger. To him, Felix's strength was nothing.

Meanwhile, the omega watched in horror as flames consumed his house, the memories he spent here, the photo albums, his family dairies, his everything.

"Why-why are you doing this?"

Felix's fists pounded against Hyunjin's chest,fueled by a mix of anguish and rage.
Tears streamed down his cheeks, his voice raw with pain as he pleaded for answers, demanding to know why this unknown man had done this.

But his cries fell on deaf ears.
Hyunjin's laughter pierced through his ears. He brushed off Felix's feeble attempts to break free, as he effortlessly tossed the small blonde omega into the waiting car.

As Felix tumbled into the vehicle, the harsh reality of his situation hit him like a physical blow. He was being torn away from everything he held dear.

"Let me go! Please mister let me go!"
He struggled frantically, desperation evident in his voice.

Hyunjin gripped Felix's hair tightly and pulled him back with a jerk.
"You think you can escape after what you out your hands into??"
He growled, his voice dripping with malice as he banged the other's face against the window.


Felix winced in agony as his head collided with the surface of the car window, a cry of pain escaping his lips. With tears mingling with the blood trickling down his nose, he begged Hyunjin again.

"Please... I am innocent... please stop..."

"Stay still and if you don't,you'll regret it. Trust me, you haven't seen the worst of me yet."

Felix huddled in the corner, his body trembling with fear. He instinctively put distance from Hyunjin.
The omega clutched desperately onto the thin blanket, the only thing covering his body
Its flimsy fabric offered little comfort, but it was all he had to shield himself.

With a sly grin on his lips, Hyunjin casually took out his cigar, the tip glowing faintly in the darkness of the car.
Ignoring Felix's small whimpers, he took a long drag trying to get lost in the haze. But his mind had different plans.

Hyunjin's hand snaked out, fingers gripping the fabric. In one swift motion, he tugged at the blanket, wrenching it from omega's grasp pulling Felix along with it too.

Felix's head snapped downward, his body jolting with the sudden movement as he found himself exposed and vulnerable, his face now resting uncomfortably on Hyunjin's lap.

"Mis-mister ple--ahh-"

Hyunjin extinguished the burning tip of his cigar against Felix's bare back.


The sharp scent of burning skin filled the air, Felix's cry echoed through the cramped confines of the car. Tears were streaming down his cheeks more frequently now.

Meanwhile, Hyunjin's grip on Felix's nape tightened, a reminder of his dominance and control. With sadistic pleasure filling his body he held Felix firmly against his lap, loving the other's whimpers.

With a gleam in his eyes, he quickly opened his flyer,retrieving his arousal. Without hesitation, he held Felix by the hair, his grip tight as he forced the omega's mouth onto his arousal.

"Open wide bitch,"

he commanded, his voice laced with dominance, as he thrust himself into Felix's mouth with force.

Felix gagged and choked, the taste of bitterness and shame flooding his senses as he struggled against the intrusion. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he fought against the humiliation, his pleas muffled by Hyunjin's grip.


"FUCK, You son of a-!!"

Hyunjin groaned in pain. Felix's act sparked a blaze of fury within Hyunjin, his eyes narrowing into rage as he felt the sharp sting of teeth grazing against his member.

With a growl in a swift and brutal motion, Hyunjin hurled the frail omega against the surface of the car seat, the impact driving the breath from Felix's lungs as pain exploded through his body.
Before he could even gasp for air, Hyunjin was on top of him, his weight pressing down.

"Mister ple-pleasee..."

Hyunjin reached for his belt, his fingers looping it around Felix's wrists, binding them together tightly.
Turning his attention to the driver, Hyunjin demanded,

"How much longer until we reach the mansion?"
The driver, expressionless and obedient, responded,
"Just a few more minutes, master."

Satisfied with the answer, Hyunjin turned his focus back to Felix, a cruel smile twisting his lips as he positioned himself on top of the omega once more. He unleashed a series of harsh slaps, each blow raining down upon Felix with a force that echoed through the car.

Felix cried out in agony, the sting of each slap searing through his senses, his world reduced to nothing but pain and fear. Trapped and defenseless, he could only endure the assault.

"Where is my sister Felix? Where is my fucking sister, where did they take him!?"
Felix's heart sank with despair as he met Hyunjin's gaze,
"I don't know mister, pleasee let me go..."
he whispered hoarsely, his voice barely audible.

Hyunjin's chuckle cut through the air like a knife, .
"Pathetic liar,," he spat,
"You expect me to believe that you have no idea where my sister is when you tried to kidnap one of them!!?"

Felix lay broken on the car seat, his lips stained with blood and his cheeks adorned with bruises from Hyunjin's abuse.

Hyunjin leaned in close, his eyes red with anger as he hovered mere inches away from Felix. There was no mercy in his gaze, only hatred.

Letting out a breathy chuckle the alpha whispered.
"You're a virgin, aren't you? An untouched omega, so pure and pristine."

Felix's eyes shot open,as he pleaded silently for Hyunjin to show mercy.
"You know, in this soceity alphas value their mate's virginity a lot. But who would want a used omega? No one wants damaged goods do they?."

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now