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"But You belong to me,you belong to me

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"But You belong to me,you belong to me."


Now Playing : House of Balloons,The Weekend

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Now Playing : House of Balloons,The Weekend

Hyunjin didn't give Felix a chance to catch his breath. As soon as the car stopped, he pulled Felix out, gripping his arm firmly. Felix's protests fell on deaf ears as Hyunjin led him inside by throwing him above his shoulder.

"Please mister-noo." Felix cried, his voice filled with desperation and terror. "Don't take me back there. Not the basement, please."

Memories of the cold, dark basement where Hyunjin had once tortured him flashed through Felix's mind. He whimpered, his body trembling uncontrollably. But instead of heading to the basement, Hyunjin took a different path, leading him up the grand staircase to his bedroom.

The bedroom door creaked open, and Hyunjin rushed with Felix inside, closing the door behind them.

"Why are you doing this?"

Felix asked, his voice shaking. Tears streamed down his face, his entire body quaking with dread as he was thrown on the king sized bed.

"You don't have to do this," he pleaded."Please, just let me go."

But Hyunjin only smiled, that sent shivers down Felix's spine. "You don't understand," he whispered, leaning in close.

"I've waited three years for this moment. Three long years without you."

Felix's mind raced, his body felt paralyzed with fear. He cried out as Hyunjin grabbed him, pulling him underneath him.

"Stop!" Felix yelled, struggling against Hyunjin's grip.

"Please!!don't do this!"

Every touch, every word from Hyunjin brought back memories of pain and torment.

"Please mister stop,"

Felix sobbed, his voice hoarse from screaming. His pleas were met with a smile from Hyunjin, who straddled him, pinning him down with.

"How will you run and escape when your legs are fucking paralyzed?"

Hyunjin laughed. He leaned in closer, his breath hot against Felix's ear.

"What will you do? You can't go anywhere, Felix."

Hyunjin's grip tightened, and he lowered his head to Felix's neck, where he had marked him. The mark was a reminder of the bond they shared, a bond that gave Hyunjin an insidious control over him.
His pheromones filled the air, thick and overpowering, seeping into Felix's senses and making his resistance falter.

"Submit to your alpha Felix," Hyunjin growled, his voice filled with possessive dominance.
"You know you can't fight it."

Felix's vision blurred with tears as the pheromones took hold, his body involuntarily responding to the alpha's command. His muscles weakened, his willpower crumbling under the weight of the pheromones that forced him into submission.

He hated how his body betrayed him, how it succumbed to the alpha's influence despite his desperate desire to resist. Hyunjin tore open Felix's clothes, the fabric ripping apart like paper.

Felix's inner wear was discarded onto the floor, leaving him exposed and vulnerable. Hyunjin's eyes gleamed with a dark amusement as he took in the sight of his omega, clad only in a pair of pink underwear.

"How adorable," Hyunjin chuckled, his voice dripping with mockery. "Pretty in pink, aren't you?"


"I don't want thsi-"

Hyunjin ignored his pleas, his grin widening as he yanked the pink underwear off Felix's hips, tearing it away. The final barrier between them was gone, leaving Felix completely exposed. He felt a fresh wave of shame and fear wash over him, his body trembling uncontrollably.

The next three to four hours were a nightmare for Felix. The room was filled with his wails, cries, and desperate whimpers as he tried to fight Hyunjin with every ounce of strength he had left. The once clean bed sheets were now a tangled, messy heap, stained with sweat,blood,tears and semen.

The night lamp lay shattered on the floor, having been thrown off the table in the struggle. Pillows were strewn about the room and Felix's body ached all over.

He had used every last inch of his strength to fight against Hyunjin, but he was an omega naturally powerless against the dominance of an alpha.

Hyunjin stepped out of the bathroom, His damp hair was tousled, strands falling across his forehead as he wrapped a towel around his waist. The room was dimly lit. Across the room, Felix lay on the bed, half-draped over the edge.

His body was printed over with scratches, fingerprints and hickeys - His hands dangled limply over the side.
as he lay like a dead body tears still falling from his eyes.

Hyunjin approached quietly, and knelt beside the bed, eyes softening as he observed Felix's form. He leaned forward and pressed a feather-light kiss to Felix's temple.

"You have been amazing ...and uhh I'm sorry for what I did three years ago. I promise, I won't hurt you again that way. I'll hunt Yongbok down. He won't get away with this."

Gently, Hyunjin pulled Felix into his arms, cradling him. He lifted Felix effortlessly, carrying him towards the bathroom and lowered Felix into the bathtub. The water, once clear, now turned a faint shade of pink, mingling with the blood seeping from Felix's injured butt.

"Easy now pretty one," Hyunjin murmured soothingly. He leaned closer, brushing a lock of damp hair away from Felix's forehead.

"You've been so loyal cutie even when we separated for 3 years. Didn't let any other alpha's cock in you.." he whispered, pressing a tender kiss to Felix's head.

"I know I was too rough earlier. I promise to be gentler from now on."


[A reader hit me up saying they get hard reading this book 🦧 ??]

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