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Felix lay on the cold floor, his body bruised from the  interrogation with Hyunjin. One of his eyes was covered with a bandage, the result of Hyunjin's violence, and another bandage wrapped around his injured limb.

Each breath was a struggle, and his entire body ached with a dull, persistent pain. Hyunjin stood over him, the alpha's presence was intimidating. Nearby, Hyerin watched in horror, her face pale and eyes wide with terror. She trembled as she witnessed her brother's brutality,

"Where is my sister Yeji?!" Hyunjin demanded once more, his voice a growl of frustration and anger. When Felix didn't respond quickly enough, Hyunjin's patience snapped, and he delivered a vicious kick to Felix's side.

The force of the blow sent Felix reeling, a cry of pain escaping his lips.
"Stop it, please brother!"
Hyerin's voice was a desperate plea, but Hyunjin paid her no mind, his focus solely on extracting information from Felix.

The omega was  struggling to remain conscious and tried to curl into himself, seeking any form of protection. The room spun around him, the pain and fear he wished it would end right now.

He could barely see through his other eye which wasnt harmed that much, "You're going to tell me what I want to know," Hyunjin hissed, grabbing Felix by the collar and lifting him slightly off the ground.
"Or things will get even worse for you."

His assistant, Jennie, had been tending to Felix's wounds, carefully applying ointment to his face. However, Hyunjin's patience had run out as  pulled Jennie away throwing her on the ground his eyes burning with anger.

"That's enough," he growled, shoving her

Without warning, Hyunjin's fist collided with Felix's face once more, the force of the blow snapping Felix's head back and sending a fresh wave of pain through his already tortured body.

Blood trickled from his split lip, and he could taste the metallic tang in his mouth.
"Prepare your answers by evening," Hyunjin warned, his voice a dangerous whisper. "If you don't give me what I want, you'll regret it."

Hyunjin's grip tightened on Felix's hair, yanking him up with a rough force. Felix winced, the pain shooting through his scalp as he was dragged across the floor. His legs struggled to keep up.

Without a word, Hyunjin hauled Felix to the top of the basement stairs. The memory of how he had been dragged from the basement earlier flashed through Felix's mind. Then Hyunjin shoved Felix forward, the younger's body tumbled down the stairs, hitting each step painfully on the way down.

By the time he reached the bottom, he lay in a crumpled heap, every inch of him throbbing with pain.Hyunjin stood at the top of the stairs, looking down at Felix with  satisfaction.
"Stay down there and think carefully about your answers," and slammed the door shut and locked it.

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now