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Felix sat in his wheelchair, carefully spreading bread and butter for his son, Kai, who was ready to go to school. Despite his physical limitations, Felix's movements were precise and practiced, reflecting his dedication to ensuring Kai had a good start to his day.

"Here you go, Kai," Felix said, handing the plate to his son with a warm smile. "Eat up and make sure you're ready for school."Kai grinned, taking the plate eagerly. "Thanks, Dad" he exclaimed before starting to eat.

Meanwhile, Jisung was rushing around the house, hurriedly getting ready for university. He wore his uniform, checking his bag to ensure he had everything he needed for the day.
In his haste, he noticed Yongbok sprawled on the couch, looking disoriented and dizzy.
"Yongbok, get up!" Jisung called out, kicking the couch lightly to rouse him.
"You need to go to work. Snap out of it."

Felix took a sip of his hot tea, savoring the warmth. The sound of footsteps descending the stairs caught his attention, and he looked up to see Yongbok entering the basement, which served as Felix's room.

"Good morning, Yongbok," Felix said with a warm smile. "I prepared some bread and butter for you."
Yongbok barely glanced at him, "Thanks," he muttered, though it was clear his mind was elsewhere.

He moved past Felix without taking the offered breakfast, his thoughts preoccupied. Felix's smile faltered slightly. "Is everything alright?" he asked, sensing the off vibe.

Yongbok turned to face Felix, his eyes. "In a few weeks, my work schedule is going to get hectic," he stated bluntly
"Things are going to change around here, and you need to be prepared."
Felix nodded.
"I see," he replied softly. "I'll do my best to adapt."

"Jisung's going to have to take on most of the responsibilities," Yongbok stated, his tone matter-of-fact.
"And you'll need to handle the cooking."
Felix nodded. "I can do that," he replied,
.Yongbok shrugged, glancing around the basement.

"The stove is set at a height where you can easily cook for yourself," he pointed out. "So don't bother Jisung. He's already doing more than enough."

Felix smiled faintly, grateful for the small accommodations. "I won't bother him,I'll manage the cooking and make sure everything runs smoothly here."

"What if Hyunjin finds you again?" he asked suddenly, Felix's eyes widened, his heart skipping a beat.


"If Hyunjin finds you again, will I become an uncle to three or five more kids?"

Felix's face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and fear at the but before he could respond, Jisung intervened.

"That's not funny, Yongbok," Jisung said firmly, slapping the back of Yongbok's head as he enters the basement greeting Kai.

Yongbok rubbed his head, still smirking. "Just a joke," he muttered, though the edge in his voice remained.Jisung shook his head, his expression serious.
"Some things aren't worth joking about," he replied,

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now