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Hyunjin's laughter stopped abruptly, replaced by a rage that burned in his eyes as Felix uttered the word him 'scum' to him.

With a swift, violent motion, he grabbed Felix's blonde hair and forced his face down onto the hard floor multiple times, heedless of the pain he was causing to thd omega.

Felix's lips split as blood began to trickle from the wounds, staining the floor beneath them.

Hyunjin's grip tightened, his knuckles white with the force as he leaned down to whisper into Felix's ear,
"Remember your place, omega, I'll crush you without a second thought if you dare to talk back to me again."

Hyunjin stepped back leaving Felix whimpering on the ground and  reclined in his chair, and lighting up his cigar.
With a languid gesture, he raised his hand, commanding his guards.

"Entertain me with the omega,".

The guards, obedient to their master's wishes, started  encircling Felix. "Toss him around,"
Hyunjin ordered  as he watched with satisfaction.
"And strip him," he added, the corners of his lips curling into a twisted smirk.

The guards held the already frail and weak Felix, roughly as they manhandled him and pushed him around. Felix's cries of protest echoed through the room which fueled Hyunjin's sadism.

Felix desperately tried to crawl away, his trembling hands clawing at the floor in a futile attempt to escape when Hyunjin's guards held him by the ankles and dragged him back.
The room filled with laughters as Felix's feeble struggles only served to entertain his captor.

Hyunjin watched with amusement as his guards forcibly stripped Felix of his clothes, leaving him in his undergarment.
The sound of tearing fabric echoed in the air, mingling with Felix's cries as he was exposed.

As the guard's hands reached for Felix's last shred of clothing, the omega's heart pounded with terror, his mind racing with desperate pleas for mercy.

With tears streaming down his face, he turned to Hyunjin, his voice trembling as he begged for mercy from humiliation.
But Hyunjin's attention remained fixated on his phone, as he chuckled at Felix's plight, he continued to record the scene, his laughter mingling with the omega's desperate cries

"Please, don't let them..."

he trailed off, the words catching in his throat. But Hyunjin remained unfazed, his expression cold.

Hyunjin snapped a picture of the now fully exposed omega. With a few swift taps, he sent the image to the current head of the Blood Hounds, a taunting message along with the humiliating photograph.

"I hope Blood Hounds come to pick up their useless bedwarmer and train you properly for next missions."
Hyunjin laughed.

Hyunjin walked inside Felix's room and  took Felix's clothes, using them to wipe the dirt from his shoes.
Taking the paper weight from the table he smashed the dresser mirror and threw the containers of makeup and cream.

Yeonjun furrowed his brows as he received an unexpected text from an unfamiliar number. He opened the message, only to be greeted by a disturbing image of an unknown boy accompanied by  unsettling messages.

"What the‐—"
He swiftly responded with a  middle finger emoji before promptly blocking the number.

Hyunjin's grip tightened around his phone as he read the response from the head of Blood Hounds. The middle finger emoji conveyed a clear message: refusal to acknowledge any connection to Felix.

A surge of frustration and anger coursed through Hyunjin as he stared at the screen.

"Fucking cowards."

Hyunjin gripped Felix's hair tightly, relishing in the other's helpless state. Chuckling darkly, he taunted Felix, informing him of Blood Hounds' refusal to accept him back and denying any connections.

He leaned in close, his voice dripping with malice as he questioned
"Now that you've been rejected by your own kind, what do you think I should do with you little Felix?"

"Pl-lease I don't know what you're talking about....I am innocent..."

Hyunjin just laughed at the other's words as he ordered his guards to pick up Felix and toss him in their van in this state.

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now