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Hyunjin's heart clenched with worry and confusion as he listened to his sister's account of the kidnapping. He reached out to gently squeeze Hyerin's hand, his voice soft and reassuring despite the rage churning inside him.

"It's okay, Hyerin," he said, his voice steady despite the fear gnawing at his insides. "You're safe now, and that's all that matters. Can you remember anything else about the man who took you? Anything at all?"

Hyerin furrowed her brow in concentration, her features contorted as she tried to recall the details. After a moment's hesitation, she nodded slowly, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke.

"He had golden hair," she said, her voice trembling slightly with the memory. "And his voice was rough but soft too–and had wierd brown marks on his cheeks. He pushed me into the car and drove away with two other men. They were scary-looking, like the ones you see in movies."

Anger  ran down Hyunjin's spine at his sister's words, no one could touch the shadow of the Hwangs considering their reputation in the underworld. He knew they had to act fast if they were going to track down Yeji.

"Thank you, Hyerin," he said, his voice filled with gratitude as he squeezed her hand once more.
"You've been very brave, and I'm so proud of you. Now, I need you to stay here with Jennie while I go and find Yeji Unnie, okay."

Hyerin nodded  her eyes wide with determination as she met her brother's gaze. "I'll be brave, Hyunjin hyung,I  scratched that man's face you know!" She spoke with glee.

A flicker of hope sparked in Hyunjin's eyes as he listened to his sister's words, a plan forming in his mind.

He reached out to gently grasp Hyerin's hand.
"Hyerin, you've just given us a valuable clue," he said, his voice tinged with urgency as he spoke. "You scratched the man who took you?"

"Yes I did, in his cheek, he hurt me when he pushed me inside so I also hurt him back!"
Hyunjin smiles and caresses his sister's cheeks and turned to Jennie who was beside him.

"You know what that means Jennie? there might be skin traces under her nails that could help the forensic team track that bast—uhh man  down. It's worth a try."

Jennie's nods in understanding as she processed her boss's words
"I'll call the forensic team in here then, its dangerous for now,they will take the samples and get to work boss,"

"Okay. Till then I need to go to investigate about Yeji. Tell the team to work their hands faster if they want to have  their fingers attached."
Hyunjin says.

He suddenly paused in his steps, taken aback by the sudden grasp on his trousers. He looked down to see his sister, Hyerin, clinging to his leg with a pout on her face.

Her grip was surprisingly strong for her small frame, and he couldn't help but soften his gaze.

With a soft smile, Hyunjin knelt down beside her, his hand gently stroking her hair as he met her gaze with warmth and affection.
"What is it, my little Hyena?" he cooed, his voice soft and gentle.

Hyerin nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with determination as she spoke. "I want to help you  find Yeji unnie," the 11 year old girl said with firmness in her voice.

Hyunjin's heart swelled with pride and by his sister's adorable words .

With a gentle smile, Hyunjin lifted Hyerin into his arms, cradling her close to his chest as he stood up once more. "Hyerin, now you need to eat and rest, you have school tomorrow, don't you?" he said.

Hyunjin shushed his sister and handed her to Jennie's arms.
"Be a good sister and listen to me, or else no barbie dolls and kitchen sets. Promise me to eat your food and sleep."

"Ummm...okay promise but please return back with pastries!"

"I will my heyna."

Hyunjin's expression hardened as he watched his sister disappear from sight along with Jennie, his features morphing into the coldvfacade of the feared mafia boss he was known to be.

With a sharp exhale, he turned on his heel and strode towards the waiting forensic team that had arrived, his voice sharp and commanding as he  orders at them to work quickly

"Get moving," he growled, his tone brooking no argument.
"I want those DNA results on my desk by tomorrow. Work your ass off at night,I don't care. And if you don't deliver, you'll not see the moon."

Then Hyunjin made his way to the parked car nearby to drive to a bakery, although his mind was already turning over plans and hints of  the mystery of his sister's abduction.

"Who got balls of steel to mess with me?"

But even as he focused on the task at hand, a part of him couldn't shake the worry and fear that gnawed at his insides.

He lost his parents and history was repeating itself. The same way his brother was kidnapped and —

"Sir this bakery is open, let's buy from here."

"Kinda looks familiar. "

As he stepped into the bakery, Hyunjin selected a few of his sister's favorites from the display case. The manager or whoever runs this bakery was nowhere.

"The fuck is he?"

Hyunjin's frustration simmered beneath the surface, With a low growl of frustration, he scanned the bakery for any sign of the manager again, his eyes narrowing in annoyance when he found none.

Cursing under his breath he kicked away a nearby chair with a sharp motion of his foot. The sound of the chair clattering to the ground echoed through the bakery,

"I am so sorry—"

Felix's entered his bakery, muttering sorry but his apology to the customer died on his lips as his gaze landed on Hyunjin and his guards.

A distant memory stirred in his mind as he tried to remember where he had seen the man before.
The image of Hyunjin's intimidating presence flashed before his eyes.

"Take the fucking orders kid!"

"Y-yes sir"

As Felix hurried to reheat some brownies and pack pastries, he couldn't help but notice Hyunjin leaning against a nearby chair as he lit up a cigarette.

A frown tugged at Felix's lips as he glanced over at the smoking man,

'What an illiterate fool.'

Summoning his courage, Felix interrupted Hyunjin, his voice respectful. "I'm sorry Sir, but smoking isn't allowed in here," he said.

Hyunjin's reaction was immediate, his expression darkening with anger as he turned his piercing gaze on Felix.

For a moment, there was silence as Hyunjin's eyes bore into Felix, his displeasure evident in the tight set of his jaw and the glint in his eyes.

Hyunjin's laughter rang out through the bakery, a mocking sound as he disregarded Felix's request.
With a smirk playing at his lips, he strode towards Felix, as he closed the distance between them.

Hyunjin leaned in close, as he deliberately blew a cloud of smoke in the other's face. The  scent filled Felix's senses, as he recoiled from the gesture, his eyes narrowing with displeasure.

"Excuse me sir."

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now