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3 years later

Jennie burst into Hyunjin's office, her face pale with urgency. "Boss we have a problem again," she said, her voice trembling slightly.Hyunjin looked up from his desk, his expression turning cold. "What is it?" he asked, his tone sharp.
"Someone leaked a private video again boss." Jennie replied. "It's all over the internet. You're seen beating and assaulting a girl in a bar."

Hyunjin's eyes widened for a moment before narrowing in anger. "What? How did this happen?" he demanded, slamming his fist on the desk.
"We don't know yet who leaked it, but it's spreading fast. The media is already picking it up, and it's causing a huge scandal again."

Hyunjin clenched his jaw, his mind racing. This kind of exposure could ruin everything he had worked for, his reputation, his power, everything. "Find out who did this," he ordered, his voice low and dangerous. "I want them brought to me."

Jennie nodded quickly. "Yes, sir. I'll have our tech team start tracking the source immediately."
"And Jennie," Hyunjin added, his tone even more menacing, "make sure this video disappears from the internet. Pay off whoever you need to, threaten whoever you have to. I want it gone."

Jennie swallowed hard and nodded again."Understood. I'll take care of it."

Hyunjin's carefully crafted facade as a respected businessman and CEO was in danger of crumbling, the criminal activities threatening to expose him to the world. Despite his status as a tycoon in the corporate world, he knew that one wrong move could unravel everything he had built.

"We have evidence that implicates Hwang Hyunjin, established businessman and CEO of MetaPharm was involved in the devastating house fire in Seoul. Not only this It's alleged that he also caused the fire, which destroyed six to seven shops in a row but also bribed officers to cover it up 4 years back."

"There are reports suggesting that Hwang Hyunjin's club, RED NIGHTS and BURNING SUN, is a hub of illegal activities like drug dealing and prostitution. It's alleged that women are being drugged and filmed without their consent."

"There are rumors circulating that Hwang Hyunjin may be involved in the murder of the Chois. Choi Beomgyu and Choi Yeonjun were found dead, and their deaths have been linked to Hwang Hyunjin."

"It's baffling to see someone like Hwang Hyunjin still roaming free when there's so much evidence pointing to his involvement in these crimes. It's a slap in the face to the victims and their families."

"Exactly! The fact that he's able to evade justice time and time again is a testament to his power and influence. It's high time that he faces the consequences of his actions and is held accountable for the pain and suffering he's caused."

"It's hard to ignore the pattern of corruption and cover-ups surrounding Hyunjin. It's clear that something needs to change if we want to see real accountability in our society. We can't let powerful individuals like him continue to operate with impunity. The public deserves transparency and justice, no matter who's involved."

The man smiled as he looked at the news screen, watching the ongoing debate surrounding Hwang Hyunjin. He had finally got what he wanted. The media frenzy and public outcry were the first steps in dismantling Hyunjin's carefully constructed empire.He muttered to himself, "Slowly, I'll bring Hyunjin's empire down and take revenge for what he did." His eyes gleamed with a mix of satisfaction and determination, knowing that every piece of information leaked and every scandal exposed brought him closer to his ultimate goal: justice for the wrongs Hyunjin had committed.

Hyunjin threw his papers and banged his keyboard hard on his table. "Who the fuck is doing this?" he cursed loudly, his voice echoing through the room.

"Sir, we've been trying to trace the source, but it's proving difficult. The leaks are coming from someone with inside knowledge."

"Find them! I don't care what it takes. I want whoever is behind this to suffer."

The music was booming loudly, and Hyunjin drank the night away in his private club. He scanned the crowd, looking for someone to catch his interest, but no one seemed to match his taste. Frustrated, he stood up and began to leave.Just then, sultry music began playing, catching his attention.

The curtains slid open, revealing the silhouette of a woman with long, flowing hair. The spotlight highlighted her figure as she began to move sensually to the rhythm of the music.Hyunjin paused, intrigued by the unexpected performance. The allure of the mysterious dancer drew him back to his seat, curiosity piqued as he watched her every move.

The woman had striking blonde hair, interwoven with delicate braids that framed her face. A glint of light caught Hyunjin's eye as he noticed a pretty navel piercing, sparkling under the club's neon lights. She wore a glittery mask that concealed her face up to her eyes,

"She's flat as fuck," he muttered to himself, taking another swig from his drink. As the dance finished, people threw bills onto the stage, and the dancer gracefully bowed, collecting the money with a practiced ease."What a hungry money whore," Hyunjin muttered under his breath as he stood up, ready to leave the club. The performance, intriguing at first, had quickly lost its appeal to him

Hyunjin leaned against his car, a cigarette between his fingers, as he took in the night air. The back doors of his club opened, and a group of strippers walked out, chatting and laughing amongst themselves. He watched them absently, his mind elsewhere.Suddenly, his attention was drawn to a shorter figure emerging from the doors. At first, he thought it was another woman, but as the person stepped into the light, he saw clearly that it was a blonde boy clutching a handbag, hurriedly making his way out.

The boy had a mask on, concealing most of his face. As he walked past, Hyunjin caught a whiff of something familiar, something that stirred long-buried memories.

"Felix..." he whispered, the name slipping out involuntarily.

Without hesitation, Hyunjin quickly walked after the boy and grabbed his shoulder, spinning him around. In one swift motion, he pulled the mask off.

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now