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As he quickly walks the bustling corridors of the auction house, Hyunjin's thoughts are consumed by memories of his sister. He would move heaven and earth to protect her.

He speeds towards the location where his sister Yeji was, his mind races with thoughts of how to best handle the situation. With a few swift taps on his smartwatch, he alerts his men, issuing orders for them to mobilize and prepare for a rescue.

"Get ready," he commands into the device, his voice firm with determination.
"We have a situation. Hyerin's been kidnapped. I need you all.We're going in hot."

Hyunjin's BMW cuts through the streets with lightning speed. Every passing moment feels like an eternity.

Hyunjin's assistant receives the alert about Hyerin's location from her phone, she wastes no time in relaying the information to Hyunjin's men.

She quickly sends out a series of messages, instructing them to mobilize and prepare.

"Attention all units," she announces over the secure communication channel, her voice calm and composed despite the urgency of the situation.

"We have a lead on Hyerin's location. She's currently showing up on her GPS tracker. I need everyone on high alert and ready to move out immediately. We don't have time to waste."

Each one knows the gravity of the situation, and they understand that failure is not an option when it comes to rescuing their boss's sister.

"Jennie," Hyunjin said, his voice calm and controlled despite the storm of emotions swirling within him.
"Tell me everything."

Jennie's voice crackled over the line, the urgency in her tone mirroring Hyunjin's own sense of urgency.
"Boss, I've put the men on the trail behind Hyerin. They're tracking her GPS signal as we speak. I'm also setting out behind them to provide backup."

Hyunjin nodded, his jaw clenched with determination. "Good. Keep me updated on their whereabouts. And Jennie," he added, his voice softening just slightly, "stay safe out there. We don't know what we're up against."

"I will, Boss," Jennie replied, her voice steady and resolute. "We'll bring her back, no matter what."

With those words ringing in his ears, Hyunjin ended the call and turned his attention to the task at hand. He knew that time was less, and that every moment counted in their race against the clock. But before he could set out to join the search for his sister, there was one more task he had to complete – picking up Yeji.

"Boss, I've put the men on the trail behind Hyerin. I'm also setting out behind them to provide backup."

"Good. Keep me updated on their whereabouts. I'll be following after I pick up Yeji. We'll find her, Jennie. No matter what it takes."

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now