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"In the depths of their shared existence, one twin's hatred for the other festered like a poiso

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"In the depths of their shared existence, one twin's hatred for the other festered like a poiso."


Panic surges through Felix as his twin Yongbok pins him down, his hands rendered powerless against his twin's unexpected strength. With wide eyes, Felix struggles against Yongbok's hold, his heart racing with a mix of fear and confusion.

"YONGBOK!! What are you doing?!"

Felix's voice trembles with apprehension, his mind reeling as he tries to comprehend the sudden shift in his twin's behavior.

But Yongbok's gaze remains fixed on Felix, his eyes dark with desire as he lealns in closer, his breath hot against Felix's skin.


A shiver runs down Felix's spine at the intensity of his twin's stare, his instinct urging him to fight back against the unwanted advance.

Frantically, Felix tries to push Yongbok away, but his efforts are futile against his twin's overpowering strength. Trapped beneath Yongbok's gaze, Felix can feel his heart pounding in his chest.

His heart sinks as he listens to Yongbok's whispered words, his twin's lustful desires sending a chill down his spine

"You're so sexy,"
Yongbok murmurs, his voice low and husky with desire.
"I want you so badly, right now."

Felix's breath catches in his throat, a mixture of fear and revulsion knotting in his stomach at the thought of his twin's advances.

"Yongbok, stop," Felix pleads, his voice trembling with desperation.
"This isn't right. Please, let me go."

But Yongbok only chuckles darkly, his grip on Felix tightening as he leans in closer, his intentions clear.

"I can't resist you" Yongbok whispers, his breath hot against Felix's skin. "I need you,"

Felix's heart pounds with adrenaline as he summons every ounce of strength he has left, pushing against Yongbok's grip with all his might.

"Yongbok, stop, pleasee..!"

Felix's voice trembles with emotion as he puts distance between them, his chest heaving with exertion.

"I'm your brother Felix!"

With a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, Felix's hand connects with a sharp slap across Yongbok's face, the sound echoing through the room as his twin recoils.

For a moment, Felix considers reaching out to comfort his twin,. But Felix recoils back at the sight of Yongbok  his trust shattered in an instant by the events that just unfolded.

Yongbok scoffed holding his cheek.
"See Felix. You'll never be able to defend yourself in life. You're just too weak, too pathetic just like you always were."

"Yongbo—you almost... you almost r@ped me!"

"What? R@pe? I'm not gay, Felix, and I'm definitely not into incest. It was a test and you failed like you did 2 years back."

Felix's heart clenches at the denial in Yongbok's voice, the weight of their fractured relationship heavy in the air.

"Weakling. That's all you are, Felix. Even when you saw I was trying to rape you, you still couldn't fight back,like always. Pathetic."

Felix's heart sinks at the cruel mockery in Yongbok's words, the pain of his twin's betrayal cutting deep.

"Can you ever defend yourself? Stand up for yourself? Felix you're still the same  weak omega."

Felix's fists clench at his sides, the frustration and hurt boiling within him as he struggles to find the words to respond.

"I'm not weak, Yongbok. I'm just... I'm just trying to make sense of all this. Trying to understand why you would try something like that."

Yongbok's expression twists with anger, his voice rising in defiance as he lashes out at his twin.

"Why? Because you're weak, Felix. Weak and naive. You always have been, and you always will be, I wont be there to save you! Find an Alpha and fucking get a surgery and change that face of yours."

Felix struggles to find the words to respond, the pain of Yongbok's words still raw in his chest.

"I hate it, Felix! I hate that we have the same face, but I'm the Alpha and you're the omega."

Felix's heart sinks at the bitterness in Yongbok's words, the pain of his twin's self-loathing cutting deep.

"Yongbok, it's not our fault. We were born this way."

"I know that, Felix! But I can't stand it. I can't stand looking at you , one day you'll be dicked down by someone who will mistake an omega like you to an alpha like me because of our face!!."

Felix's voice trembles with emotion as he struggles to find the right words to respond. His heart clenches at the cruelty in Yongbok's words, the pain of his twin's rejection cutting deep.

"Yongbok, please... don't say that. We're brothers, we're supposed to support each other."

"Please die!"

And with that Yongbok slams the bedroom door close leaving Felix alone.
His anxiety and panic attacks hit him as he gets the flashback of their high school.
The day when everything went downhill between the twins.

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