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Standing amidst the figures in the warehouse, Yongbok felt a knot tighten in his stomach.
He had made the call last night, agreeing to whatever mission lay ahead, but now, faced with the reality of the situation, he couldn't help but feel a creeping sense of doubt.

"The fuck are these people..." He muttered.

The men surrounding him had joker masks on their face. Yongbok knew that he had entered into something far more serious than he had initially realized.
He may not have known exactly what he had signed up for, but he was greedy for the money.

"Hello Lee Yongbok. Was awaiting your arrival."

Yongbok's eyes narrowed as he took in the figure before him, the man adorned with a joker mask but a red one.
It was clear that this individual held significant authority.

With a nod, Yongbok acknowledged the presence of the masked man. He also noticed the gun in the man's belt, and it was clear as a day to him that they might be  a part of some big cartel or mafia.

"Um, excuse me... I think there's been a misunderstanding. I don't know if I'm in the right place."
He took a step back.

However the joker masked man chuckles behind the mask.
"Oh, but you are, my friend. You made the call, didn't you? You're exactly where you need to be."

"I-I did make the call, but I didn't realize... I mean, I didn't know..."

"You didn't know what, exactly? That you'd be stepping into the world of the big leagues? That you'd be rubbing shoulders with the likes of us?"

"I... I didn't know it would be like this. Maybe I should just... take my leave."

"Ah, but leaving so soon would be such a shame. After all, you've come so why not stay a while and see what opportunities await you?"

"I don't want to be in jail by being a part of some mafia. Sorry."

"Before you go... let me ask you something. Do you really want to go back to being just another petty thief, scraping by on crumbs and scraps? Or do you want something more?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm talking about a life of luxury, my friend. Money, power, respect... all yours for the taking. You have potential, I can see it. But you need the right opportunity to realize it. But you have to be willing to take a chance, to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the unknown. So what do you say, Yongbok? Are you ready to seize the opportunity of a lifetime?"

"I...I am not sure.."

"Ah, but you see, Yongbok, I know everything about you. Your habits, your haunts... even the club you visit always. And guess what? That club belongs to me."

"What? You own the club?"

"That's right. And let me tell you, I've been keeping a close eye on you. You've got potential, kid. But you're wasting it on petty theft and drug trafficking. With the resources at my disposal, I can help you achieve so much ."

As Yongbok grapples with the realization that the man before him holds far more power and influence than he ever imagined.

"So, what do I have to do to get that million dollars you promised?"

"Ah, but there's one small problem, Yongbok. Its about your dear twin omega, Felix."

Yongbok furrows his brows in confusion "What about Felix? What does he have to do with any of this?"

"You see, Yongbok, having an omega twin could prove to be... inconvenient for you. We can't have him interfering with our plans, now can we?"

"You mean... you want me to get rid of him?"

"Oh, I wouldn't put it so bluntly. Let's just say that we need to ensure that Felix doesn't pose a threat. And if that means... taking certain measures to keep him in line, then so be it."

"I... I don't know if I can do that. Felix is my brother, after all."

"Think about it, Yongbok. Think about what's at stake here. Your future, your fortune... it's all within your grasp. But you need to be willing to do whatever it takes to seize it. And if that means dealing with a little... family trouble, well, then so be it."

Yeji and the four men who were bodyguards lounged in the park, enjoying a moment of peace amidst the chaos of their lives, they watched with  smiles as Hyerin, Yeji's younger sister, played nearby, her laughter ringing out like music in the air.

The sun shone down as Hyerin busied herself with building a sandcastle.
But then, without warning, the peace of the park was shattered by the sound of gunshots, echoing through the air like thunder.

As chaos erupted in the park, Yeji's world was thrown into turmoil. With horror etched on her face, she watched as the four bodyguards who had been sitting with her moments ago were struck down in cold blood.

Heart pounding with fear, Yeji's instincts kicked into overdrive as she scanned the chaotic scene for any sign of her younger sister, Hyerin.




Amidst the panicked screams and the frenzied rush of people fleeing for safety, Yeji's voice rose  as she called out Hyerin's name, her desperation fueling her every movement.

But amidst the chaos and confusion, Hyerin was nowhere to be found. She had vanished into thin air. Tears streaming down her face, Yeji raced through the park like a mad woman, her heart aching with every passing moment,

Panic seized Yeji's heart as she whirled around, her eyes scanning the area again and again but – Hyerin, her precious little sister, was gone.

As Yeji's sobs wracked her body, her trembling fingers dialed the number she knew by heart – her brother Hyunjin's.

With each ring, her heart pounded in her chest, the weight of their dire situation bearing down on her like a crushing weight.

"Hyunjin," she choked out, her voice thick with tears as she fought to keep her composure.


"It's Hyerin... She's—."

"Speak louder Yeji."

"Hyunjin!We need help!! Hyerin! She's been kidnapped!"
Yeji's words pierce through the air like a knife, sending shockwaves of fear coursing through Hyunjin's veins.

In an instant, the auction room faded into the background as Hyunjin's thoughts are consumed by the safety of his beloved sisters. He cut the call and rose from his seat making his way out without wasting a second.

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now