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The masked man chuckled as he clinked his glass against Yongbok's, a smirk playing on his lips. "Isn't it time you started sharing the wealth with your twin, now that you're an uncle too?" he teased.

Yongbok scoffed, "I couldn't care less about my twin," he retorted sharply,"And that child he produced with that bastard Hyunjin I give zeo fucks about it. Hyunjin is the reason I have to keep hiding."

The masked man's laughter faded, replaced by a knowing look of understanding. "Ah, Hyunjin," he murmured knowingly, shaking his head. "He's caused quite a mess for all of us."

"I shouldn't have run after Hyunjin and Felix that day," Yongbok admitted
"But I couldn't help myself. Seeing Felix get caught up in all of this... I never wanted him to end up dead," he confessed bitterly.

"But now, looking back, I regret saving my useless twin. He is fucking using up my money on changing diapers and milk products!"

"What if one day Hyunjin catches Felix again? Do you think he can escape?"

Yongbok chuckled heartily. "Escape? My twin is fucking paralyzed, stuck in a wheelchair," he replied. "That Hyunjin would love to get his hands on that useless rag doll."

"Why don't you use the money and get Felix treated? I've paid you enough cash. He can still be helped."

Yongbok's expression hardened at the suggestion, his jaw tightening. "I'm not here to waste money," he stated bluntly, "And I couldn't care less whether my twin is paralyzed or not."

Yongbok sips his drink as he begins yapping again."It would be quite a sight, wouldn't it?" he mused, a faint smirk playing on his lips..

"My twin, thrown and kicked off his life support wheelchair, crawling away from that Hyunjin like a wounded snake."

The masked man clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "Don't be so vile," he chided softly, shaking his head."

"I hope Hyunjin finds my twin again and drags him back to that dingy basement, fucks him day and night until he's nothing but a vessel for infinite babies. And this time, I won't lift a finger to dig him out."

The masked man's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing slightly at Yongbok's ruthless words.
"Why do you hate Felix so much?" he asked.
Yongbok's features twisted with a mix of anger and pain, his voice raw with emotion. "Because my mother always saw Felix as the better one," he admitted bitterly. "No matter what I did, it was never enough. Felix was always the golden child, the one who could do no wrong."

"My twin is fucking plump and chubby, drowning in all those milk in his boobs..Eww!!. I hate that Felix was born an omega, yet our mother glorified that omega over me, an alpha."

"I'm tired of carrying Felix's burden for three damn years," he growled, his tone filled with venom. "This time, I'll bait Felix myself, lead Hyunjin straight to him."

The masked man's eyes widened slightly "You can't be serious," he protested, his voice tinged with concern. "What good will that do?"

Yongbok's lips twisted into a cruel smirk, "I want Hyunjin to do such vile things to Felix that he'll wish for death himself if tge next time he is left alive in a grave. ".

The masked man shook his head slowly, disapproval etched on his features. "That's too far, Yongbok.You're cold,"

Yongbok shrugged. "Maybe," he admitted, his voice devoid of remorse.
"But sentimentality has never served me well."
The masked man nodded slowly. "Fair enough,"

"Well Anyways! I'm glad that Hyunjin's sister Yejin is dead,Today marks the third year anniversary of her death."
He poured himself more alcohol, as he raised the glass to his lips and took a long drink.

"Now we need to finish one last target and that's Hwang Hyerin."

Jennie was hunched over her phone, tapping away at the screen, when Yoongi's sudden appearance startled her. She jumped slightly, reflexively hiding her phone screen from view.
"Hey, sorry about that," Yoongi said apologetically. "Didn't mean to startle you. What are you up to?"

Jennie took a moment to compose herself, breathing out a nervous laugh. "Oh, it's okay. I was just... texting Soobin," she replied. Yoongi nodded understandingly.

"So, what's the deal with the school boy?" he asked casually, though his eyes betrayed a deeper interest in the matter.

"I'm decoding some information about him," she explained vaguely, not wanting to divulge too much.Yoongi nodded again. "Got it," he murmured,

"Yoongi, please keep this between us for now. Don't mention it to Hyunjin. I need to handle this matter discreetly," she requested, her eyes searching his for assurance. Yoongi's gaze softened with understanding as he nodded. "You can count on me. I won't say a word,"

"Thanks, Yoongi. I appreciate it."

Yoongi leaned in closer. "Is Felix really alive?" he asked.

"There are possibilities," she admitted quietly, her gaze steady as she met Yoongi's eyes.
"I thought so," he murmured.

"A few days ago, I overheard you and  boss Hyunjin, talking about Felix. He mistook someone for Felix because of a familiar scent."

Jennie's brows furrowed slightly. "You overheard?" she asked softly. "Yeah, I did. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help but overhear parts of your conversation," he explained apologetically.

Jennie sighed softly. "It's okay," she reassured him gently. "Just... be careful.

"I feel so sorry for Felix," Jennie murmured, her voice tinged with sadness. "No one deserves to be treated like that, especially someone innocent."

"You should leave your feelings out of this," he advised bluntly. "It's been seven years since you started working under the Hwangs. You know how vile and ruthless they can be."

Jennie nodded slowly. "I know," she replied quietly. "But sometimes, it's hard not to feel.

"I get it just remember, emotions can cloud judgment. Jennie, be careful with whatever you're doing regarding Felix," he urged, his tone serious.

"The Hwangs have their eyes everywhere."Jennie nodded."Thank you," she replied quietly, appreciating his concern.

"How are the Chois doing in America though Yoongi?" Jennie asked.

Yoongi smiled warmly. "I spoke to Beomgyu's head guard today," he replied. "Yeonjun and Beomgyu got married in Santa Monica few days back."

Jennie's eyes widened slightly in surprise, a small smile playing on her lips. "That's wonderful news," she remarked. "I'm happy for both of them."

Yoongi nodded in agreement. "Me too," he admitted.

"It's good to see Yeonjun moving on from this mafia world. I was worried he might come back for revenge. It's a relief to know he's found peace. I want peace too. Thank You Yoongi for your help you're a great friend."

"Alwyas here for you Jennie."

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