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"Excuse me sir.."


The mafia immediately grabbed the other's jaw. Hyunjin's grip tightened, his fingers digging into the delicate skin as he leaned in close, his voice low.

"You don't interfere with people you don't know fucking kid," he growled, "Understand?"

Felix winced at the pressure on his jaw, his eyes meeting Hyunjin's with fear. Swallowing hard, he nodded, as he replied, "Yes, sir."

Satisfied with Felix's response, Hyunjin released his grip and took a step back, his  With a wave of his hand, he gestured for Felix to continue packing the pastries,

"Hurry up," he commanded, his voice a low growl. "We don't have all  night."

Felix nodded his heart hammering in his chest as he turned back to the task at hand. With trembling hands, he resumed packing the pastries, his movements swift.

As Hyunjin continued to smoke, his gaze lingered on Felix, his mind occupied with thoughts of his sister's kidnapper. The description she had said echoed in his mind, the image of a man with golden hair and brown dots on his face.

Hyunjin's eyes scrutinized Felix. Blonde hair—

With a swift motion, Hyunjin discarded his cigar, as he seized a nearby jar of water.Without warning, he splashed jar of water towards Felix's face

Felix recoiled instinctively, water drenching his skin and leaving him gasping for.  Disoriented and disheveled, he blinked away the water that stung his eyes.

"What the he—"

Hyunjin's grip was firm as he seized Felix's jaw, his touch rough as he swiped his thumb over the other's cheeks. With each stroke, the applied foundation began to smudge and smear.

As the makeup was smudged away Felix's natural complexion was unveiled, his skin adorned with delicate brown freckles that danced across his cheeks like constellations in the night sky.



Hyunjin's gaze lingered on Felix's uncovered face, a flicker of something akin to recognition flashing in his eyes.

"He had brown weird dots on his cheeks,
Golden hair and soft but rough voice."

"You seem familiar...what's your name kid?"
Hyunjin asked.

"Who are you?! Leave me!"
Felix yelled at Hyunjin's face.

"Answer kid, don't test my patience. "

"GET O—"

Hyunjin grabbed Felix's nape as he pushed him forcefully against the cabinet, the omega stumbled forward, his body bending awkwardly over the table as pastries and boxes tumbled to the ground.

Tears welled in Felix's eyes, a bitter taste of despair filled his mouth. The weight of Hyunjin's presence pressed down on him. Felix felt utterly powerless.

"I asked your name bakery boy..answer."


"See it wasn't that hard." And released the other finally adjusting his tuxedo.

As Hyunjin prepared to depart, his gaze lingered on Felix. With a nod to one of his guards, he gestured for them to capture a photograph of Felix.

The guard obediently did as said and  snapped a picture.
Hyunjin turned on his heel, snatching up the packed pastries as he strode towards the door.

"Keep an eye on this kid." He whispered to his guard.

Yongbok leaned back in his chair, his expression a mix of impatience and tierdness as he gazed at the man with the joker mask.
Taking a sip  from the bottle of alcohol in front of him he asked.

"What's the next move?" he demanded.

"The next step," he murmured, "is not ours, we will sit and patiently wait for Hwang Hyunjin to fall into the trap."

Yongbok furrowed his brow, curiosity flashing in his eyes as he leaned forward. "Who exactly is this Hwang Hyunjin?". "And why do you want revenge on him?"

But the man behind the joker mask didn't say much. "It's a long story," he replied.

"And what about the girl we kidnapped? And the other? Why did we let the smaller one go?"

"To trap Hyunjin into thinking it's Felix and not you. This way that fool will waste his time on beating the shit out of him and we will whisk away his sister. He is just a distraction Yongbok."

"What if he —"

"Don't worry...he will just break your twin's few bones."

"But why will he event suspect my twin?"

"Because of his younger sister Hwang Hyerin. Why do you think I told you to not cover your face a mask? Why do you think I let you walk and kidnap someone where there are plenty of cameras ?"

"What the fu—The park was near a bank wasn't it!!?"


"But don't worry, Felix will only be a suspect Yongbok, I cut the wires of some cameras and only one camera has captured you and from that angle only your blonde hair is visible. In Seoul there isn't only one blonde haired man right?"

Yongbok hesitantly nodded.

The man behind the joker mask just smiled but obviously Yongbok can't see.

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now