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"In this world, survival comes at a cost

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"In this world, survival comes at a cost."


Yeji screamed at the masked man, her voice raw with desperation and anger. Her lips were tainted red from the punches and hits she had endured. Being from a mafia family, Yeji was witty and strong, but days without food and the pain of separation from her brother Hyunjin and her sweet sister
had taken their toll on her.

"Let me go!" she yelled, her voice cracking. "You have no idea who you're dealing with!"

The masked man simply chuckled.

"Oh, we know exactly who we're dealing with, Yeji. And trust me, your brother is the least of my concerns right now."

Yeji's body trembled with a mixture of rage and weakness. She had always prided herself on her resilience and strength, but the hunger and the constant beatings had drained her strength.

The separation from Hyunjin and Hyerin her only family, was a wound that hurt more than any physical pain.

"You think this will break me?" she spat, her eyes blazing with defiance.

"You think starving me and beating me will make me beg for your mercy? You're wrong. My brother will come for me, and when he does, you'll regret everything you've done."

The masked man leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear.
"Your brother isn't coming, Yeji. And even if he did, he'd find nothing
Yeji clenched her fists, her knuckles white.

"You don't know my brother," she whispered, her voice filled with a steely determination. "He will come. And when he does, you will pay for this."

"Oh, I know everything about Hwang Hyunjin and your entire family history, Your father killed the leader of the Blood Hounds and established himself through cheating and murder. And Hyunjin? He's a carbon copy of your father, but worse."

"You don't know anything," she hissed, The man continued, ignoring her protests.
"Your family built their empire on a foundation of blood and lies. Your father was ruthless, and Hyunjin is no different. He's following in his father's footsteps, only he's even more brutal, more merciless."

"He's every bit the monster your father was, if not more. And now, you're paying the price for your family's sins. Your father took everything from us, and now we're taking everything from you."

"Hyung will come for me,He won't let you get away with this."

Yongbok entered the room with a small tray holding a piece of bread and a salad, intended for Yeji's lunch. He approached her, his eyes filled with boredom.
Sitting down in front of her, he extended his hand, offering the meager meal.

"Here, eat something miss," he said trying to sound gentle. Yeji's eyes burned as she looked at the food and then at Yongbok. Without a word, she spit in his face.

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now