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Felix's consciousness slowly returned, He struggled to open his swollen eyes.A dull ache throbbed in his head, which resulted from Hyujin almost tearing away his scalp.

With great effort, Felix attempted to sit up, but pain shot through his spine like a bolt of lightning, forcing him back down onto the bed. As the memories of the previous night came flooding back, his stomach churned with nausea, and he burst into tears.

Felix's fingers traced the back of his nape, a sensation of itching and burning drew his attention to the strange surface of his skin. His eyes widened in shock as his fingers brushed against the texture of the mating  mark.

Horror washed over him as he remembered the events of the previous night, how Hyunjin had marked him as his own omega without his consent.

The realization sent a shiver down his spine, filling him with a sense of violation and helplessness. Felix could do nothing but stare in disbelief at the mark that now branded him as Hyunjin's possession.

He knew that he was bound to Hyunjin and he could never escape, his fate forever entwined with that of his merciless captor.

The door to the basement burst open with a loud crash as Hyunjin kicked it in, and entered  the small, dimly lit room. Felix, who had just woken up, was still reeling from the pain and the memories of the previous night.
His body ached, and the mark on his nape burned.

Without a moment's hesitation, Hyunjin splashed a cold jar of water onto Felix's face, the shock of the icy liquid jolting him fully awake. Felix gasped, his eyes snapping open as he instinctively tried to shield himself..
"Wake up, you worthless omega," Hyunjin spat.

Before Felix could even attempt to sit up, Hyunjin swiftly clamped a collar around his neck. The rough leather pressed against Felix's skin, as Hyunjin yanked on the attached chain with force, dragging Felix across the floor and towards the stairs.

Felix's body scraped against the hard surface, pain shooting through him with each  pull. He tried to scramble to his feet, but Hyunjin's pace made it nearly impossible. Desperation and humiliation washed over him as he was pulled up the stairs like an animal,
"Move faster bitch," Hyunjin growled.

Felix's body hit the floor with a painful thud, the impact knocking the breath out of him. Before he could even attempt to get up, Hyunjin's hand gripped his hair, jerking his head up violently.

The sudden movement sent a wave of pain through Felix's scalp and neck, and he whimpered in agony.

"Look Up!!" Hyunjin snarled, his voice dripping with rage. "Do you recognize her?Huh?! You mus lt obviously!!"
He demanded, shaking Felix's head .

Felix's eyes, filled with a mixture of fear and confusion, were forced to focus on the figure standing nearby. It was Hyerin, her face pale and eyes wide with terror. The sight of her brother in such a furious state clearly frightened her, and she took a dew step back, her body trembling.

"Answer me,WHERE DID YOU TAKE THE OTHER ONE?!!" Hyunjin's voice was a roar, the anger in his eyes burning like a wildfire.

Hyunjin turned his piercing gaze towards his sister, Hyerin, and asked in a low, dangerous voice, "Is this the same man who kidnapped you,You recognize him right?"
Hyerin, her body trembling with fear, nodded hesitantly. Her confirmation was all Hyunjin needed.

Within seconds, he delivered a brutal kick to Felix's face, the force of the blow sending Felix rolling across the floor.Felix's vision blurred with the impact, pain exploding in his head as he came to a stop against the cold, hard floor.

Blood trickled from his nose and mouth, mixing with the tears streaming down his cheeks. Hyunjin's fury was like a erupting volcano, his breath heavy with anger.
"You thought you could get away with it, didn't you?" he spat, his voice filled with venom.
"Now you will pay for what you've done."

Yongbok's voice echoed through the room, filled with anger and frustration. He stood face-to-face with the man who had hired him into the plot of kidnapping the Hwang sisters.

"You told me it would be a simple job!" Yongbok yelled, his fists clenched in fury. "Now whoever that Hyunjin is, had burned down my and Felix's house! Do you have any idea what you've done? What we've lost?"

The man in the joker remained silent, as Yongbok's anger continued to boil over."You dragged us into this mess," Yongbok continued, his voice trembling with rage.
"And now mt twin is suffering because of your lies. This was never supposed to happen, You said they will not suspect him!THEN HOW?!!"

The man's assistant growled at Yongbok, his eyes narrowing "Watch your tone boy," he warned, his voice a low rumble. "You don't talk to him that way."
But Yongbok, driven by anger and desperation, lunged forward, his hand reaching for the assistant's collar.

"You have no idea what we've been through since child—"
Before he could finish his sentence, the assistant, a skilled fighter, moved with lightning speed. He sidestepped Yongbok's grasp and, with a swift, motion, lifted him off his feet and slammed him hard onto the ground.

The impact knocked the wind out of Yongbok, leaving him gasping for breath on the floor. The assistant stood over him, his expression cold and stoic.
"You need to learn your place," he said icily. "And understand who you're dealing with."

The man in the joker mask finally spoke up, his voice smooth and calm. "Yongbok, you need to remain calm," he said,
"Hyunjin will keep Felix for a few days as a hostage, but then he'll release him onto the streets. This isn't permanent."

Yongbok, still recovering from the bodyslam, glared up at the man, a mix of anger and agitation in his eyes.
"And what about our home? Everything we lost?"
The joker-masked man waved a hand dismissively.
"You'll be compensated. We'll arrange for a new apartment, better than the one that was burned down,including the cash for your work."

As Yongbok lay on the floor, still reeling from the bodyslam the door to the officw swung open, and two guards entered the room.
"The leader of Blood Hounds is coming in a minute Boss Rex."

Yongbok glanced towards the entrance, his gaze was drawn to a tall, handsome man. The man wore dark shades, obscuring his eyes, but there was no mistaking the aura of power that surrounded him.
It was Choi Yeonjun, the alpha leader of the Blood Hounds.

Yeonjun extended his hand and greeted the man in the joker mask with a firm handshake,  "It's been a while Rex," Yeonjun said.
"Indeed, Yeonjun," the joker-masked man replied.  "I trust your business is thriving as always."
"It is but there's a small issue...."

As they continued their conversation, discussing matters, Yeonjun's gaze briefly flickered to Yongbok, who was now standing. There was something about the blond man that stirred a memory, a sense of familiarity that Yeonjun couldn't quite place.

'Haven't I seen him somewhere??'
But he shook his thoughts off.

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now