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Felix's horror intensified as Hyunjin burst into the hospital room,
"No one will rescue you Felix!! You are worthless!!,"
Hyunjin's words sent a shiver down Felix's spine as he watched the alpha bring out his gun.

Fear gripped Felix's heart again seeing the familair alpha.
"No, please!" Felix's voice trembled with desperation.
"Mister plea—

Felix jolted awake, gasping for breath, his heart pounding at the nightmare. His eyes darted around the hospital room. He could almost hear Hyunjin's maniacal laughter echoing in his ears.
Driven by pure fear, Felix began ripping out the IV lines and monitoring devices attached to his body, wincing as the needles left small, bleeding punctures in his skin.

Ignoring the sharp pain in his fractured arm and leg, he forced himself to get out of the hospital bed.His movements were clumsy each step sending waves of pain through his injured limbs, but Felix didn't care.
He had to get away. Limping as quickly as he could, he staggered out of the ward, his mind consumed by the fear that Hyunjin would appear at any moment and kill him.

Felix moved as quickly and quietly as his injuries allowed, ducking into shadows and hiding behind corners to avoid the nurses and hospital staff. Each step was a painful but his fear of Hyunjin gave him the strength.He finally reached the elevator, pressing the call button frantically.

Every second felt like an eternity as he waited for the doors to open, his heart hammering in his chest. When the elevator finally arrived with a soft ding, Felix almost stumbled in his haste to enter.Inside the elevator, he leaned against the wall, his body trembling from pain and exhaustion. He pressed the button for the ground floor, hoping to find a way out and somewhere to hide.

The elevator dinged softly as it reached the ground floor, and the doors began to slide open. Felix's heart almost leapt out of his chest when his eyes fell upon Hyunjin standing at the reception desk with his guards, engaged in a conversation


Tears streamed down Felix's face as he frantically pressed the button to close the elevator doors, his hands shaking with fear. But it was too late. Hyunjin, with noticed the movement from the corner of his eye.

His gaze locked onto Felix, and a smile spread across his face as he realized who was he looking at.

Felix's mind raced as the elevator ascended. He knew he had only moments before Hyunjin would catch up to him. He pressed the button for the fifth floor but quickly hit the stop key at the third floor, causing the elevator to jolt to a halt.

The doors slid open, and Felix stumbled out, his heart pounding in his chest.He scanned the hallway, desperate to find the fire exit. Ignoring the pain in his fractured arm and leg, he limped as quickly as he could, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

Finally, he spotted the red emergency exit. Felix pushed through the door and began his descent down the stairs. Each step sent waves of agony through his body, but he couldn't stop now. He had to escape, had to find safety before Hyunjin found him again.

Felix burst out of the stairwell door, his eyes darting around the dimly lit parking lot. He knew he couldn't risk going through the reception area where Hyunjin might be searching for him. Instead, he decided to head for the parking lot, hoping to find a way out or at least a place to hide.

He limped as fast as his injured legs would allow, his breaths coming in ragged gasps and  paused briefly, leaning against a car to catch his breath. His entire body ached, and the adrenaline coursing through his veins was the only thing keeping him moving.

But In the next moment, the world became a blur of pain as he was struck from behind and thrown several feet onto the hard ground.Gasping for breath, Felix lay limp unable to move. Gravel dug into his palms and knees.

Hyunjin's footsteps were slow as he approached Felix.
"Run, rabbit, run rabbit,run rabbit.." he whispered.
He crouched down, grabbing Felix by the hair and yanking his head back to force him to look up. "This is where the chase ends,"

Felix's hands were bound tightly, the rough rope cutting into his skin. He looked up at Hyunjin with wide, teary eyes, the taste of cloth and dirt filling his mouth. His cries were muffled, barely audible as he tried to plead for his life.

Fear and desperation welled up inside him as he struggled against his restraints, but it was no use.Hyunjin stood at the edge of the shallow grave as he smoked.
"Stupid Beomgyu if only he had left you there to die...," he said, his voice devoid of emotion.

Hyunjin's eyes burned with fury as he grabbed Beomgyu by the collar, yanking him close. He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent that clung to Beomgyu. It was unmistakable—Felix's scent, faint but present.

Hyunjin's brow furrowed in anger and determination."Where did you take the omega?" Hyunjin snarled, his voice low and dangerous.
He tightened his grip on Beomgyu's collar, his knuckles white with rage.

Beomgyu's eyes widened with fear as he struggled against Hyunjin's hold.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about," he stammered, his voice trembling. "I haven't taken anyone."

Hyunjin's patience snapped, and he shook Beomgyu violently.
"Don't lie to me Choi Beomgyu!" he roared.
"I can smell him on you. Tell me where he is, or I will make you regret it."
He said pointing the gun at Yeonjun.

"No no!! I-I  found him... in a pavement" Beomgyu admitted. "He was hurt, so I took him to the hospital."
Hyunjin's eyes narrowed, and he released Beomgyu with a shove. "Which hospital?" he demanded.

Beomgyu hesitated for a moment, but the look in Hyunjin's terrified him. "Saint Mary's,.
Without another word, Hyunjin turned on his heel and barked orders to his men. "To the hospital," he commanded. The hunt was back on, and this time, Hyunjin wouldn't stop until he had Felix in his grasp once more.

He nodded to his men, who began shoveling dirt and gravel onto Felix's body.The soil and gravel rained down on Felix. Panic surged through him as he realized he was being buried alive. His body writhed in terror, but the bonds held him fast, and the cloth in his mouth stifled his screams. 

Darkness closed in around him as the earth piled higher. The weight pressed down on his chest, making it hard to breathe. Felix's vision blurred with tears, and his mind raced with frantic thoughts of escape.

But there was no escape. No one would hear his yells at the dead of niight. No one would even dare to. Above him, Hyunjin watched as the last of the dirt was shoveled in. The muffled cries grew fainter until they were silenced entirely.
Hyunjin threw the extinguished cigarette onto of the pile.

"Rest in peace Felix...have a good sleep for a long long time...."


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