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Jennie gently grabbed Felix's fingers, her touch soft and soothing as she started to apply ointment and bandages to his wounds. Felix winced at the initial contact but soon relaxed, grateful for the kindness.

"Please Miss Jennie," Felix whispered, his voice hoarse from screaming.
"Help me get out of here. I'm innocent. I just want to go back to my brother,he needs me and is looming for me... I want to live."

Jennie paused, her heart aching at his plea. She looked into Felix's tear-filled eyes, seeing the desperation and hope there.
"Felix," she began, her voice trembling, "I want to help you, I really do. But I'm helpless in this situation. Hyunjin... he's too powerful. If I go against him, it could mean my life too."

Felix's shoulders slumped, despair washing over him. "But there must be something you can do," he insisted, his voice cracking.

Jennie shook her head, tears welling up in her own eyes.
"I'll try to think of something," she said, her voice barely a whisper.
"But for now, I need you to stay strong. I'll do everything I can to ease your pain and keep you safe as much as possible."

Jennie slowly bandaged Felix's fingers carefully. As she worked, she decided to break the silence with a question.
"How old is your brother, Felix? And why isn't he looking for you. Is he underage and are you both orphan?"
Felix winced slightly as she tightened a bandage.

"We're twins, my dad committed suicide and my mom left us when we were 17,"he replied. "Currently we're both 18."

Jennie's hands froze for a moment, her eyes widening in surprise. "Twins?" she repeated, her voice filled with astonishment. "So he's the same age as you... but where is he now? Why hasn't he come to find you?

"Felix's gaze dropped, his eyes filled with sadness. "I don't know," he admitted. "We separated. My twin left the house two days before this man kidnapped me, He said he went to run some errands. Then, everything happened so fast. Then your boss took me, and our house and bakery were set on fire."

Jennie stood up, processing this new information. 
"That's crucial information, Felix! Why haven't you said you have a twin?!"

She quickly made her way towards the door, her mind already racing with possibilities.

"Stay strong," she added over her shoulder. "I'll be back soon."

Hyunjin sat on a luxurious leather sofa, a cigar in one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other.
His face was contorted with rage as he cursed at his guards for failing to protect his family.

As Jennie entered, Hyunjin's gaze shifted to her. A mocking smirk curled on his lips. "What is it now, Jennie? Have you already given up on our little guest?" he taunted, taking another drag from his cigar.

"No, boss," she replied, her voice firm. "Felix told me something important."

"And what's that?"

"Felix has a twin."

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now