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Felix's eyes fluttered open to the faint sound of distant, muffled voices. His vision slowly adjusted to the white lights and the ceiling of a hospital room. Panic surged through him, and he tried to sit up frantically, his mind racing with fear.

"Whoa, easy there," a gentle voice soothed. Felix's eyes focused on a young man, Beomgyu, who was gently but firmly pushing him back down onto the bed.

"You're safe now. You need to rest.You're okay," Beomgyu repeated softly, his hand resting on Felix's shoulder. "Just breathe."

He approached the doctor who had treated Felix, hoping for some explanation.
"This omega has been through severe trauma,He's been tortured and abused physically to a significant extent. There are also clear signs of unconsented intercourse."

Beomgyu's heart sank at the doctor's words. "Will he be alright?" Beomgyu asked with worry.
The doctor sighed.
"Physically, he'll recover with time and proper care. But the psychological and emotional scars will take much longer to heal. He'll need support, therapy, and a safe environment to begin to process and recover from what he's been through."

"There's also a mating mark on his neck. It would be best if his mate is informed and could come to support him. Please, ask him to call his mate."

Beomgyu nodded and walked back into Felix's room, carrying the phone. "Uhh mister..."
he said gently, "the doctor suggested we call your mate. They can help—"

Before he could finish, Felix's reaction was immediate. His eyes widened in terror, and he slapped the phone out of Beomgyu's hand, sending it clattering to the floor.

Clutching his knees, Felix whimpered, "No, please don't call anyone. Don't call him. No...."

Beomgyu knelt beside the bed, his heart breaking at the sight of Felix's fear. "It's okay," he said softly, trying to soothe him. "I won't call anyone if you don't want us to. You're safe here. No one will hurt you."

"Where's your home? Is there anyone from your family we can contact?"

Felix's expression shifted, and he hesitated for a moment before reaching out with a trembling hand. "Give me the phone pleasee," he whispered

Beomgyu handed him the phone, watching as Felix's fingers shakily typed in a number. But when Felix tried to call, an automated message informed them that the number had been switched off.

Felix's face fell, and he let out a choked sob, the phone slipping from his grasp."It's okay," Beomgyu said softly, picking up the phone and setting it aside. "We'll figure this out. Maybe the other's phone is just out of battery or in a place with no signal. We'll keep trying."

Yeonjun walked into the room, having been called by Beomgyu. He greeted his mate with a warm smile, but his expression shifted to one of surprise and confusion as his eyes fell on Felix.

"Why does he look familiar?"
Yeonjun murmured, his eyes scanning Felix's face.

"He has been through a lot, Yeonjun. I found him in a really bad state. Do you think you know him?"
Yeonjun continued to study Felix's face, a flicker of recognition sparking in his eyes.
"I... I think I've seen him before, but I can't place where."

Beomgyu gently pulled Yeonjun to the corner of the room, "Yeonjun, there's something you need to know," he began ensuring Felix couldn't overhear their conversation..

"Tonight, when I was driving, a car threw him onto the pavement. He was tied up in a sack. When I got to him, I found multiple injuries from assault and...later Doctor Kim confirmed  signs of rape too."

Yeonjun's eyes widened in shock and anger, "Who could do something so horrible?" he muttered, his gaze flicking back to Felix.

"Does he have a mate or any family we can contact? And what's his name?."

"When I mentioned his mate, he freaked out completely. Threw the phone away and begged us not to call anyone. He hasn't mentioned any family, and he hasn't said his name yet. I only know that he is an omega."

"Yeonjun, you know I think it would be best if he came to stay at my NGO after he's discharged."

Yeonjun considered this for a moment, nodding slowly. "That sounds like a good idea. He'll need a lot of support, and your NGO can provide the care and security he needs right now."

"I'll make sure he gets all the help he needs—medical attention, therapy, and a safe environment. He won't have to go through this alone. Gosh some alphas are terrible."

"We're going to make sure you're safe. We'll be back tomorrow, and we'll take you to a place where you can heal and feel secure. Its his NGO. Until you decide to open up you can stay there as long as you want."

Felix looked up at Yeonjun and Beomgyu  and  nodded slightly. Just then, the nurse entered the room, carrying a small vial. She approached Felix and slipped a dose of a mild sedative into his hand. "This will help you sleep," she said softly. "You need rest to recover."

As Yeonjun and Beomgyu drove back home, they noticed something was off. An unusual number of men surrounding their mansion. Their instincts kicked in, but it was too late.The moment they stepped out of the car, a figure emerged and struck Yeonjun on the head.

He crumpled to the ground, consciousness slipping away. Beomgyu tried to fend off the attackers, but he was quickly overpowered. A sharp blow to his head caused the world to blur and darken around him.

As Hyunjin smoked, his guards dragged the unconscious Yeonjun into his mansion  he truns and  instructs his assistant, Jennie,

"Take Beomgyu to my private condo.  Keep him under house arrest until Yeonjun confesses."

Jennie nodded, her expression betraying no hint of emotion as she followed Hyunjin's orders without question.

"Boss, that Hyunjin has taken the next step," Yongbok said as he saw the scene unfolding before his eyes perched up on a tree.
"We need to act quickly. It's time for us to make our move."

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now