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"What a feisty little thing you are

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"What a feisty little thing you are.."




Felix cried and begged the alpha on top of him, his voice trembling with fear and desperation. Hyunjin had a twisted smile as he spread Felix's legs, whispering.

"It's a pity you can't move your legs anymore. Being paralyzed must be so frustrating."

Felix's mind raced with panic, desperately seeking a way out. His hands groped around, searching for anything that could help him. His fingers brushed against the base of a night lamp. With every ounce of strength he had left, Felix dragged his body upward, using his elbows to inch closer to the lamp.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked, a mocking tone in his voice. Felix didn't answer, his focus solely on the lamp. His fingers finally closed around it, gripping it tightly.

Just as Felix was about to lift the lamp and strike, Hyunjin's hand shot out, grabbing his wrist with an iron grip. "Nice try," Hyunjin said.

Swiftly Hyunjin knocked the lamp out of Felix's hand, sending it crashing to the floor. His grip tightened, and he leaned in closer, his breath hot against Felix's ear.

"You really are a fighter," Hyunjin whispered. "I almost admire that.But it doesn’t look good on an omega. "


Hyunjin descended the stairs, each step deliberate and heavy. Wrapped around his knuckles was a chain, its cold metal links glinting in the dim light. The other end of the chain was connected to a collar around Jennie's neck.

She followed silently behind, Hyunjin's grip on the chain was firm, as he led Jennie down the stairs of her room. Her eyes remained downcast, tears falling from her eyes, her lips bloodied and her hands bound tightly behind her back.

With a swift, harsh tug on the chain, he pulled Jennie forward. The force of the pull caused her to stumble, falling to her knees. The abrupt movement sent a sharp pain through her body, her  eyes fluttered open, gaze meeting Hyunjin's.

Hyunjin forcefully  grabbed Jennie with one arm. Her  frail body was easily lifted.

"The loyal bitch of the Hwangs couldn't keep her loyalty for long eh?"

Jennie's eyes were swollen with tears and bruises. "This is Kim Jennie, my secretary, as you all already know of..." he began, his voice steady and devoid of emotion as the guards listened quietly.

"She went behind my back and tried contacting that blonde whore without my permission. She thought she could interfere keep the matter a secret, thought she could help even when she fucking knew I went crazy for 3 years searching for that omega!!"

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now