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"Little did they know, as they exchanged their first glances, that this fleeting moment would mark the beginning of an extraordinary journey

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"Little did they know, as they exchanged their first glances, that this fleeting moment would mark the beginning of an extraordinary journey."


As the day draws to a close, Felix sits down at the small table in the corner of his bakery, counting the money he's collected throughout the day.
With each bill and coin,a sense of satisfaction washes over him as he realizes that today's earnings have surpassed his expectations.

A smile plays at the corners of Felix's lips as he finishes counting, pleased with the success of another day of hard work. He sets the money aside, ready to be deposited into the register for safekeeping.

As the last customer of the day bids farewell and exits the bakery, Felix stands up and begins to tidy up the space.
He wipes down the tables, sweeps the floors, and organizes the display cases, ensuring that everything is neat and orderly for the next day.

Felix takes pride in his work, finding solace in the familiar routine of cleaning up after a long day of serving customers.

He pauses mid-wipe as the door swings open, the familiar chime of the bell signaling the arrival of a visitor,without looking up he said,

"I'm sorry, sir, but we're closed for the day."

But the man ignores Felix's words, making his way over to a vacant chair and taking a seat without invitation. Felix watches him warily, a hint of frustration flickering in his eyes at the blatant disregard for his earlier statement.

Felix's eyes widen in surprise as he takes in the man's  figure, dressed in black from head to toe with dark sunglasses obscuring his eyes.

Before Felix can gather his thoughts, four more men enter the cafe.
Their attire matches that of the first man, all dressed in matching black attire with an air of authority that commands attention.

"My sister wants a pastry, go bring the best pastry of your barbie looking bakery."

"Yes mister.."

The man's command hangs in the air. Without hesitation, Felix nods,
He hurries to the display case, selecting the finest pastry he has to offer.
Carefully he places it on a plate and brings it over to the table where the little girl sat her eyes wide with anticipation.

"Here you go, little miss. Enjoy."

As the little girl takes the pastry with a smile, Felix can't help but feel a twinge of relief wash over him.

The man watches his sister with a soft smile as she takes a bite of the pastry, her eyes lighting up with delight at the taste.
He leans back in his chair, his attention momentarily diverted as he busies himself with his phone, leaving Felix to stand awkwardly by, unsure of what to do next.

Felix shifts uncomfortably under the gaze of the four men who remain standing in their positions.

He can feel their eyes on him, scrutinizing his every move with a  intensity that sends a chill down his spine.

"Could you please pack those remaining pastries too!!" The girl asks.

Felix's eyebrows furrow slightly in confusion as the little girl makes her request, but he quickly nods in response.

"Of course, I'll pack up some more pastries for you."

Felix sets to work, carefully selecting an assortment of pastries and packaging them up for the girl. As he finishes, he hands the bag to her with a smile, wishing them well as they prepare to leave.

"Here you go. Please visit again"
He bows.

As the little girl and two of the men depart, Felix's attention is drawn back to the man in black glasses, who remains seated at the table.
He watches in surprise as the man takes a significant amount of cash from his pocket, leaving it on the table without bothering to take his change.

Felix's eyes widen at the sight, but he quickly recovers, his instincts telling him not to question the man's actions. With a nod of acknowledgment, he accepts the payment.

"Thank you, sir. Have a good night."

With that, the man in black glasses rises from his seat and heads for the door, leaving Felix alone in the quiet confines of the cafe once more.

Felix's heart sinks as he hears the familiar ringtone echo through the receiver for the fifth time, his anxiety
peaking  with each unanswered call.
But just as he's about to give up hope, a frustrated groan escapes his lips as his twin finally picks up.

As the phone connects, Felix's ears are assaulted by the sounds of moans and murmurs in the background.

"Yongbok, where are you? It's already past midnight. When are you coming home?"

"Dammit, Felix! Can't you see I'm busy? Stop fucking disturbing me!"

Felix's heart sinks at his twin's harsh words, hurt bubbling up inside him as he struggles to comprehend Yongbok's c response.

As the sounds of moans and grunts grow louder through the phone line, Felix's grip tightens on the device, then with a heavy sigh, he hangs up the phone.

The door bell went off after 2 hours .As Felix swings open the door, he comes face to face with Yongbok. The smell of alcohol hangs heavy in the air, mingling with the  aroma of booze, as Yongbok sways unsteadily on his feet.

"Felix, hey,"
Yongbok slurs, his words slurred and barely coherent as he tries to steady himself against the doorframe.

Felix's heart breaks at the sight of his brother in such a state. With a heavy sigh, he reaches out to support Yongbok,. But Yongbok shakes off Felix's hold walking inside the house.

Felix watches as Yongbok collapses onto his bed, the effects of the alcohol finally overtaking him as he succumbs to unconsciousness. A deep sigh escapes Felix's lips as he takes in the sight of his twin brother.

Closing the door softly behind him, Felix makes his way to his own room, his footsteps heavy.

Felix stirs from his slumber, a vague sense of disorientation clouding his thoughts as he slowly becomes aware of a wet sensation on his neck.
Frowning in confusion, he reaches up to touch the dampness, his fingers coming away slick with moisture.

Blinking away the remnants of sleep, Felix tries to make sense of his surroundings, his mind still foggy from the remnants of his dreams.

As he shifts slightly in bed, the sensation becomes clearer, and he realizes  that it's the feeling of someone's breath on his skin.
Heart pounding in his chest, Felix's eyes snap open, and he turns his head.

The realization hits him like a ton of bricks, and he recoils instinctively, the shock of the unexpected intrusion coursing through him.


Panic surges through Felix as Yongbok pins him down, his hands rendered powerless against his twin's unexpected strength.
With wide eyes, Felix struggles against Yongbok's hold, his heart racing with a mix of fear and confusion.


DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now