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Felix's heart stopped as Hyunjin's smile widened. Two guards emerged from the shadows and without warning, they grabbed Felix, lifting him roughly from his wheelchair.

Panic surged through Felix as they began dragging him toward the basement door.
"No!" Felix shouted. He struggled against their grip, his mind racing for a way out. Summoning every ounce of strength, he managed to twist free, slipping from their grasp and falling to the floor.

Desperation fueled his movements as he began crawling towards the counter where his phone lay. He could hear the heavy footsteps behind him


Hyunjin's voice cut through. "I'm not going to fucking hurt you, Felix!"

Felix ignored him, his fingers brushing the edge of the counter. Just as he was about to grab the phone, Hyunjin's hand clamped around his ankle, yanking him backward with force. Felix's nails scraped against the floor, the phone slipping from his grasp as he was dragged away.

"Let go of me!"

Felix screamed, kicking out in a desperate attempt to free himself.Hyunjin tightened his grip.
"I said, I'm not going to hurt you!" he growled, his voice low and dangerous.

"You need to stop fighting me."

Felix's breaths came in ragged gasps. "Then what do you want?" he spat, his voice trembling.

Hyunjin's patience snapped, and he slapped Felix hard across the face. The force of the blow sent a shockwave of pain through Felix's body, his cheek stinging.

"Stop fucking crying!"
Hyunjin roared, shaking Felix violently. "I haven't even done anything yet!"

Felix's vision blurred, his head spinning from the impact and the rough handling. Hyunjin hoisted Felix onto his shoulder, the sudden movement causing a gasp to escape Felix's lips.
He struggled weakly, his body protesting against but Hyunjin's grip was always stronger.

As they moved through the house, Felix's thoughts raced. "Please," Felix managed to croak.
"What do you want from me?"
Hyunjin's grip tightened slightly but he said nothing.

Memories from Felix's pastbegan to flood his mind. He remembered the same terror and helplessness he had felt years ago, when Hyunjin had dragged him from his parental home. The same feeling of being utterly powerless, and now, history was repeating itself.

They exited the house and approached few cars parked in the driveway. Felix's heart raced as he realized what was happening. He struggled more fiercely, but it was of no use.

Hyunjin threw Felix into the back seat of the car and Felix scrambled to a sitting position, immediately banging on the windows with his fists.
"Let me out! Let me go!" he screamed.

DECEPTION | HYUNLIX [BXB🔞] OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now