Chapter 4

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Calum's POV

The boys and I had just finished band practise, and the buzz was still on Lukes timer turning on. Knowing Luke for around seven years now, I have never seen him so happy. Our timers are the biggest part of our lives. Its kind of like a signal to show we are growing up.

"So Calum, have you got your timer yet?" Ashton questioned, before scoffing some vegemite toast in his mouth.

"No not yet." I let out a sign, the boys all staring at me with frowns on their faces. They could tell I was upset about it to.

"Youll get one mate, dont worry!" Michael smiled, patting me on the back.

"I really hope so." I replied.

The boys and I finished our lunch, before heading out to the loungeroom to play fifa. Luke, Michael and I play, Ashton usually just sits on his phone on twitter.

"Hey boys." Ashton said, all of us to focused on our game to reply. "Fellas." Ashton called again. A second time none of us replied, so he just unplugged the game.

"What the fuck."

"Ashton why."

"This better be a good reason for you unplugging our fifa game bec-"

"Louis Tomlinson from One Direction just posted about us on twitter."

We all hopped up off the floor, crowding around Ashtons phone to see whats going on. "This is so cool." I heard Michael mumble from behind me. "And hes been a fan for a while wow."

"What do we do? Do we reply? Like thats Louis fucking Tomlinson from One Direction." Luke yelled excitedly, clapping his hands in the air.

"Hang on, he dmed us aswell." Ashton replied, as he opened the dm.

(I know this isnt the proper story but just go with it. Its just a fan fic 😊)

"Hey lads, saw your original song, 'Gotta get out' on youtube, you boys have some true talent! Deffinately would love to work with yous, so when you can, get a flight out to london." Ashton finished reading and we all screamed out of excitement.

Anne ran into the room with a worried look on her face. "Whats going on? Is everything okay?" She panicked.

"Mum guess what? Louis Tomlinson from One Direction posted about us on twitter and said he was a big fan." Ashton screamed before running up to hug his mum.

"Are you boys serious? Thats incredible! Im so happy for yous." Anne smiled. "Lets go call all your mums and tell them."

We all called out mums and told them the news. They were just excited, happy and proud as we were. I just couldnt believe it, a song that I wrote, Louis from One Direction liked. But thats not all I could think about.

The thought of my timer still lingered in the back of my head. Most people, well the ones who have them, would think Im stupid for worrying. But I just want to know that I have that special someone out there for me, just like everyone else does.

I just hope Im not like my dads friend who is 30 and still doesnt have it. I guess time will tell, but for now, all im focused on about is London!

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