Chapter 22

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If you are wondering, I deactivated my instagram jetaimemgc so if you need me message me on here or my twitter which is also called jetaimemgc ☺️ I almost have 6K reads thank you so much! I hope Im still making you all happy with this story x

Day unknown: Ruby

Im lying down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling and thinking why? Why me? Why did this whole soulmate timer bullshit have to be a thing? Why cant we have love like in fairytales? Boy meets girls but without a stupid timer. Its all so dumb. Some people have to wait a few days, some months and even some years, close to their whole lives.

My phone started beeping next to me and I saw that it was Joe calling. I didnt know if I wanted to answer or not. I havent told them about my timer stopping yet and I didnt know if I wanted to. I sighed before I decided to answer the call.

"Hey babe." Joe squealed into the phone. I have to admit, just hearing my bestfriends voice made me happy.

"Hey dude, how are you?" I said back into the phone.

"Yeah Im pretty good, and you?" I dreaded this question, but I thought, might aswell tell him.

"I havent been so good." I sighed, a frown forming on my face. I heard Joe sigh aswell on the other end.

"What happened Ruby?" He asked. I could hear concern in his voice.

"My timer stopped." I sniffled.

I dont know why I was crying over someone I didnt even know.

"What do you mean? Did you meet your soulmate? Are they cu-" I stopped him there.

"No Joe." I started. "It stopped because the boy thats meant to be my soulmate, cheated on me."

"What the fuck." Joe yelled in the phone. "He cheated on you?" He questioned, a little anger now in his voice.

Joe was always so protective over myself, Emma and Felicity. Maybe because he was the only boy out of our group, who knows?

"Apparently so. Thats what mum, dad and Zach told me." I said.

"Okay, well firstly, whoever this boy is, better be glad I dont know who he is, because ill rip him into pieces. And secondly, whos Zach?" I could tell Joe was smirking, I didnt even have to be looking at him and I knew.

"Hes just a boy I met down at the river the other day. He doesnt have a soulmate either because she passed away." I nodded my head, even though I know Joe couldnt see me.

"Oh yeah, Ive heard of him." He mumbled. "I feel so sorry for him. Tell him I send my sympathy and love even though he doesnt know me and it was a while ago now when she passed." He finished.

"I will." I replied.

"Well I have to go because Im going to bed." He said. "Do you want me to tell the girls what happened when I see them at school next or just leave it?"

"You can tell them if you want to. But goodnight Joe. Have a good sleep."

"You to Rubez, love you."

"Love you to." and with that we hung up.

I chucked my phone back on the bed before grabbing out my laptop. I decided I should try and move on from this and find something to do. Maybe a job or go back to school or maybe something different.

A knock on my door knocked me out of my thoughts as Zach walked in. I was suprised to see him here actually. I didnt think he would come over again.

"Hey Ruby, what cha doing?" He smiled, plopping down next to me.

"Im just trying to find a job or maybe a course I can do at a school near by." I replied.

"What things do you like?" He asked.

"Drawing, design and photography." I looked at him and he had a huge grin on his face. "Okay why are you grinning at me like a creep?" I giggled.

"Well cause we like the same things which is cool and also because I might be able to help you out with finding a job."

"Spill." I slammed my laptop shut.

"My aunty works for a design company and they are looking for some new faces around the shop. Some of the people who work their even get hired to go work with professional singers, actors and whoever."

This could be my chance to finally get a job at what I love. This could also help me forget about all my problems right now and help me make friends.

"Can you please take me to meet her?" I begged.

"Sure lets go."

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