Chapter 14

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Okay so I just noticed but in chapter 5 I wrote "Emma" instead of "Ruby" in one bit where I wasnt meant to, but I fixed it now. Vote//comment//share. Doing them day by day is actually get really confusing for me 😂😂

Day 29: Ruby

Its my second day in London and honestly I miss Australia so much. I miss my friends, family and even school.

I didnt know if I was going to even bother going back to school since I was almost finished anyway and it was a waste of time.

I had always wanted to do something with music or fashion though. I might even try and get a traineeship for one of those things if I can find a place that will take me.

I searched around online for a while looking up music and beauty shops in the area until I found one. It was three streets away and they were accepting new people at the moment.

I ran upstairs to mum and dad who were in the kitchen. Mum making breakfast while dad fed Cooper.

"Hey can I talk to you guys for a minute?" I asked, taking a seat next to dad in the kitchen.

"Sure sweetheart, whats wrong?" Mum replied.

"Well first off, am I gonna go back to school? Because there really isnt any point since I was almost finished anyway." I said, propsing my arguement to them.

"We will have to talk about it. Why? Whay do you have in mind?" Dad asked, before turning back to Cooper, who had a huge baby food smile on his face as dad made airoplanes to him.

"Well I wanted to try and get a traineeship in music or beauty and fashion." Mum and dad both nodded at eachother.

"Look Ruby." Dad started. "Its our second day here. Let us work things out a little more and then we will see what we can do." Mum smiled, handing us our pancakes.

"Hows that sound Ruby?" Dad questioned.

"Im cool with that." I smiled before placing a piece of pancake in my mouth.

After I finished breakfast, I went back to my room and decided that I might give one of the guys a call.

"Hey are you busy right now?" I texted to Joe, Emma and Felicity.

"No, we are all together right now. Wanna skype?" Emma replied.

I grabbed out my laptop and gave Emma a call.

"Ruby." They all screamed through the computer screen. They had huge smiles on their faces. God I missed them so much.

"Hey guys, how are you all?" I smiled back at them.

"Well Im good." Felicity started.

"Hows your mum and the baby?" I asked. I knew her mum has had trouble with pregancies before so back when Fel told me she was preganant I was so happy.

"Mums doing really really well." She nodded. "And we found out the sex of the baby last week. Im not meant to tell anyone, but its a girl." She squealed, all of us cheering back.

"Thats awesome!" I giggled. "What about you Joe?"

"Same stuff as usual. Perving on Mr Hemmings." He giggled.

"Im assuming your timer hasnt turned on yet?" I laughed and he shook his head.

"No, but Mr Hemmings has." He groaned.

"And what about you miss Emma? Hows the timer going?" I asked.

"Actually I found out something the other day." She said, Joe, Felicity and I looked at her with a confused face.

"What?" I replied.

"So I was up watch the Today Show with Karl because he cool as fuck and 5 Seconds of Summer were on. You know, the band you love." She giggled causing me to blush. "We do know these things Ruby, even though you didnt tell us."

"Yeah yeah keep going." I smiled.

"So anyway, they asked the boys if they had timers and they all said yes and then they asked if they would read there numbers out. Calum, Ashton and Michael said no but Luke said yes and guess what?" She had the biggest grin on her face.


"Hes my soulmate." She screamed with excitement.

"Holy shit you are so lucky." I practically screamed, actually hearing myself through the speakers through there computer. She gave me a little smile.

"Anyway enough about us, Ruby how have you been?" Joe asked.

"Ive been good. I spoke to mum and dad before and asked them if I could go for a traineeship in either music or design. They said they would think about it." I shrugged, hearing a bell go on the other end of the skype call.

"Oh shit, we have to go back to class." Emma sighed.

"Aww thats okay. Ill talk to you guys another time." I waved goodbye.

"We love you." They said in unison.

"I love yous to." I replied, blowing them all kisses.

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