Chapter 18

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So this ones a filler chapter for whats about to come so this one wont be to exciting.

Day 27: Ruby

I looked down at my timer. Day 27 it read. I wish this month would just hurry up so I could meet the person Im gonna be with for the rest of my life.

I decided today I was just going to draw. Drawing is what I do when Im bored, nervous or for just pure enjoyment. But today it was bordem.

I grabbed my sketch book off of the table, before heading out the door to find what I wanted to sketch. Trees and houses were the normal, and I didnt want to draw them because I always do.

I headed down to the end of the road, were a bush path started. I then decided that I was going to go take a look and see where it lead it.

I wondered through trees, leaflitter and spider webs before pushing through the final lot of trees to find a river. It looked so peaceful and quiet and just perfect.

I took a seat on one of the large rocks on the river bank and started to draw. Sometimes I lose track of time and just go into my own little world when I do.

Half way though my drawing, I heard some sticks crack behind me. I quickly stood up and turned around to see a boy standing there.

"Um hi." He spoke.

"Hi." I replied nervously.

"Sorry I didnt mean to scare you. No one usually comes down here." He smiled.

"Oh no, its okay." I smiled back.

He walked over to me. He was a little taller than I and he had brown hair and the bluest eyes I had ever seen.

"Im Zac." He said, holding out his hand for me to shake it.

"Ruby." I replied, taking his hand in mine.

We stood there in an awkward silence for a moment before Zac walked past me to grab some rocks.

"So Ruby, why have I never seen you before?" He asked, skimming the rock along the top of the water.

"Because I just moved here from Australia." I answered. He turned around and gave me a nod and a smile.

"And what about that timer of yours. I noticed when I shook your hand that you only have 27 days left. Thats exciting." He sounded so mysterious when he talked. It was so intriging.

"Yeah I do. And how about you? How long do you have left?" I asked him back.

"I dont know." He huffed.

"What do you mean?" I was confused at what he meant.

Zac walked back up to me, lifting up the sleeve of his jumper. His timer had a large crack right through it.

"What happened?" I had never seen a timer like that before.

"My partner died." He signed. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Im sorry." I whispered. "Do you know what happens after that? Will you still have a soulmate?"

He just shrugged. "I really dont know." He continued. "Im the first person in history to have his soulmate die before meeting. Apparently I just have to wait now and hope to meet one." I just sighed and looked down at my feet.

"I have to go, but it was nice talking to you Ruby." He smiled again. "Talking to you later." He waved as he headed back up the path.

"See you later." I called out.


"Hey mum can I talk to you about something that I found out today." I asked, as I walked into Coopers nursery to see mum.

"Whats up?" She said as she fed my brother.

"So today I met this boy and we were talking about our timers." I started. "And when he showed me his, it had a large crack it in." Mum gave me a confused look as I continued. "And he said its there because his soulmate passed away."

"Was his name Zac?" Mum asked. I didnt know how she could have known.

"Yeah it is." I said. "How do you know?"

"I met his parents the first day we moved in." I shook my head.

"He will only find another soulmate if someone elses passes away." Mum told me.

I was so fasinated by this, but at the same time I was sad for Zac because he doesnt know when hell find his soulmate. I thought timers were just timers and when you had one, you met the person. I didnt know anything else about them. But Im slowely finding out there is more to them.

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