Chapter 31

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It was now 6:00pm and we had all finished getting ready, now having a drink before we leave.

"Okay now the nerves are kicking in." I gulped, looking over at Cathy and the girls.

"Youll be fine." Tayla (random name k) one of the girls said.

"You have nothing to be nervous about. You look amazing and tonight will go amazing." The other girl, Carla (also random name) smiled.

I took in a deep breath, it was now time to leave. I was about to meet the boys, their families and see the full album artwork and hear the tracks.

We hopped into the limo that was waiting for us outside.

"I have never been in something so fancy and looked this fancy before." I laughed, making the girls laugh to.

"You ready?" Cathy asked.

"Ready as ill ever be." I smiled nervously.


"We are here." Tayla screamed as our limo pulled up outfront of the place the album release party was being held at.

"Look theres a limo behind us. That must be the boys or their mums." Carla added.

"Time to get out." I squealed, the excitement fully kicking in now.

Cathy hopped out of the car first, then myself, Carla and Tayla. I saw that it was the boys limo which was behind ours and I quickly turned away, my shyness also deciding to kick in. Us girls walked inside, after being lead upstairs to where the party was at.

"Cathy." I heard an excited womens voice yell. I turned around and noticed it was Liz Hemmings, Lukes mum.

Yes I knew who the mums were to, hush.

Then I saw Calum, Ashton and Michaels mums walk up and hug her to along with the test of their families.

"This is Ruby." Cathy smiled, intoducing me to everyone. "Shes the one who made the designs for the boys album cover."

"We saw some of it, you did an amazing job." Joy, Calums mum smiled.

"Thank you so much." I replied.

Cathy took me around to meet everyone else, before the boys finally came into the room. We all took a seat as the boys had a little speech they wanted to say.

"Hey guys." Calum yelled into the microphone making us all laugh. "Cant believe this day is FINALLY here!"

"It seems like only yesterday we were in Ashtons garage playing our crappy covers of Blink, Greenday and Adele. But now look at us." Michael added. It was amazing seeing how happy these boys were.

"And then we had to ask our parents if we could all drop out of school and join a band. They looked at us like we were complete nuts." Luke laughed, along with everyone else.

"But they let us, and today we are finally making one of our dreams come true. So everyone we hope you enjoy our album." Ashton smiled.

"And here is our debut and self-titled album 5 Seconds of Summer." They all screamed in unison as the cover came off and we saw the albums all on the table and one enlarged picture of the cover.

"We also cant forget to thank you families for allowing us to do this, our managers, producers and crew for putting up with out shit all the time and thirdly to the girl who made our cover for us, Ruby." Michael finished.

"The album covers fucking sick." Ashton yelled from behind them.

My face went completely red as everyone turned around and looked at me. I just smiled at the boys and gave them a nod.

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