Chapter 33

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I re made a 5sos fan account on ig - jetaimemgc if you wanna follow it

Calum's POV

"Fuck." I muttered, as I looked down at my Timer after Ruby ran out of the room.

Everyones just looked at me. They didnt know what had happened though. The boys all just gave me angry stares.

"Are you gonna go talk to her?" Ashton said sternly.

"I dont know, should I?" I asked.

"Yes." Michael spoke up.

I walked over to the balcony and opened the doors. Ruby didnt hear me, but I could hear her, crying. I had just met this girl and I had already made her cry.

"Uh hey." I mumbled, catching her attention.

"What do you want?" She snapped at me. Ouch.

"Can I talk to you please?" I sighed, taking a seat next to her.

"Okay." She wiped her eyes.

"Look I had no idea that sleeping with someone else with a Timer would make this happen. I didnt do it to hurt you, whether you believe me saying that or not." I spoke. Ruby just stared straight ahead, as I continued. "And we have literally just met and Ive already made you cry. Do you think that doesnt make me feel bad?"

"Did you feel bad when you were boning that girl?" She looked over at me.

Her eyes were red and puffy and you could tell she was hurt. I just wanted the ground to swallow me up at this point.

"I dont remember what I was feeling because I was drunk." I groaned, throwing my head into my hands. I heard her sniffle before I got up and looked at her.

"Do you wanna know the story? I went to get a coffee, and I wanted a friend that wasnt just the boys because it gets annoying sometimes just hanging with them. I then asked if she wanted to see a movie, as a friend, and she said yes. Then the movie let out early and we went to a club, got drunk and things happened after that. I hadnt planned for any of the stuff after the movie to happen." I quickly said, not taking a breath at all.

Ruby stood up and slapped me, right across the face. It was a shock, and it hurt, but I also wasnt suprised.

"Okay." She started. "Im so furious right now that I want to push you off this balcony, but I cant." She let out a small laugh.

"This boy Ive never met before in my life until now, is meant to be my soulmate. We have literally had the craziest relationship these past few months without ever meeting, now you are standing infront of me in LA, I just slapped you and now Im saying this." I sighed, looking at Calum before I walked over to the ledge of the balcony.

"My dad had always taught me that its always good to give someone another chance." She said.

"Does this mean youll give me one?" I replied

"Considering I dont even know you and I have never met you.....I guess I should. I mean, I dont know you at all except you are in a band and had sex with someone called Ashley." She gave me a look of disgust at the last part. "And I want to get to know you, properly." She smiled.

I walked up to her and wiped away a tear, before leaning in to kiss her.

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