The First Meeting:

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      The following day at work I set myself to work. Just as I had crawled under the counter to retrieve a pencil that had rolled underneath, I heard the tinkle of the bell above the door. I felt slightly embarrassed that I was crouched the way I was. I stood up to come face to face with two of the bluest eyes I had ever seen. I stepped backward. It was Prince Aerion. I heard something fall behind me. He quickly ran and caught what looked like some bottles I had obviously knocked over.

I gasped, "My Lord, I am so sorry," as I quickly dropped to a bow.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up gently, "My lady there is no need." He gave me a warm smile. A wave of jitters and warmth flowed through me.

"I- uh." I blushed.

He laughed.

A voice from behind him said, "He has that effect on every girl."

That's when I noticed he wasn't alone. Two dark-haired elves were with him. They appeared to be twins.

The one with his hair up stepped forward, "I'm Elrohir. This is my Brother Elladan and this is Aerion."

I wobbled slightly, grabbing the bottle I almost knocked over again, "Yes, I saw you earlier."

Aerion gave me an amused look.

I could feel my face heating up.

Elladan stepped forward. I noticed he was holding his arm oddly. I looked closer, "Your arm?"

Aerion nodded, "Elladan fell off his horse. It seems to be giving him some grief."

I stepped closer, "Can you move it?"

Elladan grimaced in pain, "Yes, but not easily."

I motioned to the patient's room, "If you please, I need to examine it."

I dashed to the back grabbing a clean cloth for a sling and some pain relieving oils. Elladan sat on the edge of the table with Elrohir beside him.

"You are twins?" I asked as I set my supplies down on the counter in the corner. Elohim smiled, 

"Yes, We were born two minutes apart."

I laughed, "Your poor Naneth."

Then I covered my mouth with my hand, "Forgive me, I didn't mean it like that."

He burst out laughing, "No no, It's fine. We get that a lot. My father often has told me of the grief we gave our mother."

Elladan blushed, "I was worse than him."

I blushed, "I see. Here." I opened the bottle, "This oil will help lower the swelling. I think you have only sprained it."

"That is a relief, I have yet to beat Aerion in a duel."

I heard the prince's voice somewhere in the store, "In your dreams!"

I rubbed some oil on his bare skin, "I would like to send this home with you so that you can keep applying it."

Elladan smiled, "Of course. I need to get my arm back as soon as possible."

I wrapped a splint around Elladan's arm, "Might I ask where you two come from? I have never seen elves like you before."

Elladan nodded, "We're from Imladris. Rivendell as it is called to the commoners. Our Ada is Lord Elrond."

I gaped, "Lord Elrond. I've heard about his fantastic healing powers." Elrohir grinned proudly, "Yes, Ada is pretty great with what he can do."

All of a sudden I felt unworthy to be this close to them. I was just a simple silvan elf. I didn't deserve to be taking care of princes. I tied the sling around his arm and Elrohir tied it around his brother's neck. They stepped out into the shop while I cleaned up. I wiped my hands off on my apron.

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