A New Home:

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The night after the ball I was exhausted. I peeled off my gown and got into bed as soon as I could. As I lay in bed I could feel Aerions restlessness. He was agitated and worried, confused and sad. I hoped I didn't do anything to hurt him. I looked at the ring on my finger. Finally, after all the years of dreaming, I was going to get my wish. I wished for a husband and got that and more. The gods had matched me with a prince of all ellons. Part of me still believed I didn't deserve what I had been dealt. I turned over on my back and stared at the ceiling. The house hadn't been the same since my mother died. I considered Aerion's offer. Ada and I might be better off living at the palace. They had plenty of other elves around during the day in case he needed help, there were healers nearby, and we wouldn't struggle financially anymore. All thanks to my very generous fiance. However, letting my future husband take care of us didn't seem right. I struggled with the thought. I've always worked for what we needed. That's how it should be. Of course, I understood that Aerion worked in his own way. He was a prince and a warrior. I wanted to give my father an easier life. Eru knows we've had our hard times. After my mother died I promised I would care for my father until he sailed for Valinor. I knew my father wished to stay, to be here for me but I also knew that sailing west was an ever-present thought in his mind. He missed my mother ever so much. I made my decision, Ada and I would move into the palace. Now I just needed him to agree. We needed a new start, this house, our land, held memories. Plenty of good but plenty of bad.

The sun rose bright and early the next day. I rose early from my bed to make Ada his breakfast. I made pancakes, one of his favourites. "Good morning Ada," I kissed his cheek.

"Lia, you seem chipper this morning," He washed his hands in the washbasin. I set out the plates, forks, and mugs on our table. I pulled the tray of pancakes out of the oven.

"Lia, something is bothering you."

I sat down at my place, "Yes Ada, I've been thinking."

He nodded, "You think we should accept Aerion's offer."

I sighed, "Ada, I've loved living here with you. I think it's time we put this place behind us. My point is, that this chapter of my life is over. I have responsibilities now. To Aerion and to the kingdom."

He smiled fondly at me, "When did my little bird get so grown up? You're right Lia. You need to move on from your mother's passing. You have a fiance with a family who wants to hand you the world. I cannot hold you back from that."

I frowned, "What about you? They want to give you the world as well." Ada gave me a sad smile, "My pure, sweet Lia, I've given it so much thought. I have decided to sail west. My strength is failing me, Lia, my soul is fading. I want to see your mother again."

I couldn't believe my ears. Ada was going to leave me? "Ada no! You cannot leave me here alone!" I rushed to his side of the table and put my head in his lap, as I did as a child.

"My daughter, you will not be alone. I will stay until I see that you and Aerion are wed. Then I can be sure you will not be alone. You will have a husband and a family to love you," he stroked my hair.

I felt tears pour down my cheeks, "I'm not ready for you to go! I'll be lost without you."

He sighed, "Lia, you're more than ready. I've lived my life here. It's your turn daughter. You will not be lost, you have Aerion to lead you. Trust him for I see how deep his love for you is. He will not lead you astray," Ada lifted my chin, "Come my daughter, let us enjoy the time we have left. I will not leave until I see that you will be happy. One day, when the Valar says it's time, you will sail into the west. You, your husband, and whatever family you have yet to be blessed with. I will see you again, both I and your mother will be waiting for you."

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