The Third Meeting:

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I rubbed cleansing ointment on the scratches on my hands. I winced at the stinging sensation.

"Lia?!" The front door flew open.

Ada. He didn't sound happy. I turned to greet him. His face was lined with fear.

"My Lia, where were you?" He grabbed my hands making me grimace with pain. He rubbed my hands, "I went to the river to look for you only to find bodies of orcs. I feared the worst had happened. I inquired in town but nobodys had seen hide nor hair of you for hours."

I hugged him, "I was attacked by the river, Prince Aerion and Legolas and their friends rescued me. They took me to the palace and I ended up spending the rest of the afternoon with them."

Ada cupped my cheek with his hand, "Orcs? You were attacked?"

I nodded, "I wasn't seriously hurt. Aerion rescued me just in time."

Ada looked up at the ceiling, "Thank the Valar for Prince Aerion."

I went upstairs and changed out of the dress the queen gave me. I would return it tomorrow. I was happy to have a reason to see Aerion. The blue of the dress reminded me of one of my mothers. Ada appeared in my bedroom doorway. He held a folded piece of pale purple fabric in his hands, "This was your mother's. She would want you to have it." I took the fabric in my hands. It was soft and delicate.

"Oh Ada, are you sure?"

He smiled at me, "Yes, you're short a dress now." He left.

I pulled the dress over my head. It slid smoothly over my skin. I walked across the room to get my comb. The dress flowed like water around my legs. I folded the dress the queen had loaned me. I let my thoughts wander to Aerion. He was kind, gentle, brave, strong, and seemed like he cared about me. My heart froze. No. There was no way I could bring myself to love him. I was a common silvan elf, I had crippling anxiety, and I was plain when it came to my appearance. My heart wanted to be in love but my brain just remembered all the pain I had endured after losing my mother. I made a small meal for me and Ada since we weren't hungry. I lay awake in bed staring out my window. I needed to push Aerion out of my head and out of my heart.


I sat on the balcony off from me and my sibling's quarters. I stared into nothing. I strained, feeling for anything in my soul. Any feeling. Nothing. Stillness. Peace. I smiled knowing nothing was wrong. I didn't want to overwhelm Aralia earlier by telling her my soul had found hers. It would have been way too much for her to handle.

"My son, something troubles you," My mother walked up behind me.

I frowned, "I'm just thinking about today. Nana, I don't think Aralia returns my feelings. Can bonds be one sided?"

She sat beside me, "No, they're two-sided my son. I am sure, with time and patience she will learn to trust you."

I reclined against the swings back, "I hope you're right. I love her so."

My mother smiled, "I know you do, I knew the second you said her name."

I fidgeted with my hands, "Has Ada said anything about his giving up the throne?"

She frowned, "Not as of yet. I expect it will be soon."

Nana grabbed my hand, "If it is claiming the throne you are worried about, don't be. Not yet. When the time does come your father will help you."

She smiled at me, "Hey, I have an idea. Your Ada and I's anniversary ball is coming up. Why don't you ask Aralia to accompany you?"

I grinned imagining her in a ballgown, "I would like that."

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