Little King:

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I was panicking, I'd never had a baby before but I knew enough about childbirth from my days as a healer.

My husband knelt by my side, "Are you sure?"

Another pain overtook me as I grabbed his shoulder, "Yes," I panted. The pain was almost unbearable.

Aerion appeared next to me, "Ari, what do you feel?"

I grabbed his shoulder, "It hurts, so bad." I kept my hands on my stomach. Aerion helped me stand. I felt liquid fall out of me.

I looked at my husband with wide eyes, "My water broke!" Legolas and Calanon stared at me. Thranduil was standing, looking ready to help if it was needed.

Velanna held my hands, "She's not quite there yet but soon." The pain was coming faster.

"Aer-" I gripped his arm. He picked me up walking out of the dining room.

"Our room please, I don't want to go to the healer's wing," I whispered. He nodded. Velanna opened the doors and Aerion laid me on the bed. Thranduil appeared in the doorway, "Should I go get a healer?"

Velanna nodded, "Yes, Go, go!" He disappeared. I couldn't speak it hurt so bad.

"You're doing great," Aerion kissed my cheek.

I smiled, "And I'm not even-" I couldn't finish my sentence. Aerion helped me out of my dress.

"Aerion, how is she?"

I arched my back, "Aer, the baby's coming." I started to feel the baby move.

"I know sweetheart, everything is going to be okay." A new feeling came, causing me to groan harder. I needed to push.

I gripped Aerion's hand, "I need to push."

He smiled, "Almost time." I tried to ignore the feeling and focus on my breathing.

"Aerion, I need to push." I panted.

Velanna checked between my legs, "She's ready but I don't want her to unless there's a healer nearby."

I twisted in pain. I could feel my baby's head. "Aer, I can feel him." Aerion moved to look, "Naneth.

" Velanna looked scared.

"We need to prop her up," Velanna stated.

Aerion moved me forward so his mother could fold pillows behind me. I leaned back, my knees up.

Velanna sat by my feet, "Ready?" I nodded, inhaling sharply as another contraction took over.

"When the contractions come you push."

I nodded.

Aerion took my hands, "I'm right here." I nodded as a contraction hit. I leaned back. I could feel my baby starting to make his appearance. One, two , three more times I pushed.

Velanna looked up at me, "One more, then I think we have it"

One of the healers ran in. "How is she?"

Velanna looked up, "Almost there."

My mother-in-law pulled my husband to the end of the bed, "You don't want to miss this." He smiled at me.

Velanna moved Aerion's hands, "You can catch."

Aerion looked terrified, "I don't know-"

I pushed and felt my baby slide out of me. I exhaled, relieved it was over. Aerion held our wet little baby in his hands.

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