Two Become One:

15 2 1

Happy birthday to me!! :)



The next morning I bounced out of bed with a feeling of exhilaration. I dressed in my best tunics. Black silk material switches with silver. My boots had been shined and all my buttons and clasps polished. I braided my silver hair and joined my brother's in the common room.

"There he is," Legolas hugged me.

Calanon punched my shoulder, "Our big brother's getting married." Calanon hugged me. Katriella stepped out of her room. She wore an emerald green dress that fell to the floor, the sleeves were long and made out of lace. She wore a huge grin. I hugged her.

"I'm so happy for you." She kissed my cheek. I smiled.

Ada arrived and my mother rushed around making last minute adjustments to my brothers and me.

"Aer?" I nearly jumped at the sound of Ari's voice in my head.

"Ari? Can you hear me?" A few seconds later I heard her voice again, "Yeah, This is weird."

I smiled, "Indeed. You look so beautiful."

"How do you know? Can you see me?"

"U, You always are though, why should this morning be any different?" I heard her giggle. "Flattery will get you places."

I decided to push my luck, "Oh yeah, where?"

"You'll find out," she said in a flirtatious tone. I got a cold shiver down my spine.

"Aerion", Legolas snapped his fingers on my face.

"What? Oh-." The nervous flutters grew in my stomach. Nana and Katriella had gone to Aralia. Breakfast was brought for me and my brothers. Ada sat with us as we ate.

He smiled at me, "You really should eat." I stared at my food. I felt a lurch in my stomach. I got up and ran for the balcony doors. I vomited whatever was left inside me from the night before. Calanon passed me a napkin. "Thanks," I mumbled. He nodded, "You're welcome." I shook slightly. Calanon held me up, "You don't look too good." I shook my head, "I didn't think I could be this nervous. I run into crowds of orcs without a second thought-" Calanon laughed, "Aralia can be quite intimidating." I let myself laugh at that statement. The sun shone down on me. Fluffy white clouds floated across the sky. There was a cool breeze due to the day being in the first weeks of fall.

Legolas stepped out onto the balcony, "It's almost time."

My insides flopped with excitement. Calanon and Legolas walked ahead of me and my father. We were met by many excited guests. The doors to the gardens were all open. A sort of tunnel had been built over the trail leading to the field. Wooden poles held canopies made of sheer white silk that blew softly in the breeze. Pale pink rose petals littered the path lined with a white cloth that stretched the entire length of the path. I felt like I was walking through a dream. Green vines were woven around the poles. All our guests had already made their way and were sitting under the canopy tent pavilion that had been erected for the ceremony. I and my brothers waited at the entrance of the pavilion. Lord Elrond was performing the ceremony, he stood waiting at the front. A platform was placed with a wall of trellis decorated with pink roses and emerald vines. The crowd silenced and stood as my brothers and I made our way to the front. I nodded to my subjects and took my place at the front. Legolas and Calanon stood off to the side of me. The music began to play. My father escorted my mother down the aisle. Nana wore a sapphire blue gown that matched my father's robes perfectly. Instead of their crowns, they wore matching silver circlet tiaras with blue stones. They smiled at me. I smiled back. My mother had a few stray tears leaking from her eyes. I knew she cried out of joy and sadness for me. Ada grinned at me from his seat in the front row. I noted the ornate box sitting next to him. I saw Katriella begin her walks won the aisle. Her emerald gown flowed around her. Elrohir's jaw dropped slightly. I cast him a warning glance. Arwen came next. Aragorn smiled fondly. Then Indilwen. I peeked out of the corner of my eye to see Legolas's reaction. He looked like her was staring at the world's largest diamond. He wore a soft smile I had not seen in a long time. Everyone in the room stood and I shifted my gaze to the back of the pavilion. What I saw brought tears to my eyes and took the air out of my lungs.


I held onto my father's arm as we began our descent down the aisle. I was slightly nervous, for there were ever so many guests watching me. I looked up and saw him. Aerion. He had tears dripping down his cheeks. But he wore a huge grin. I blushed under his gaze. My father squeezed my hand to assure me I was okay. Aerion was so handsome. He wore his black tunics. I noticed his sword hung by his side. I looked down, my insecurity came back.

"Ari, Look at me." I heard his voice in my head. I looked up. "You are indescribably beautiful."

I smiled.

We made it to the front. I stood in front of Aerion. Ada placed my hands in his and kissed my cheek softly. I could sense my father's sadness, along with his joy. He took his seat in the front.

Aerion squeezed my hands gently. We both turned to look at Elrond.

He smiled and began, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits, and friends. We gather today to witness the joining of two souls." I looked around the pavilion. I spotted Bainwen towards the back. Indilwens brother and his wife are next to her parents in the middle section. Merry and Pippin sat in the second row beside Aragorn. Gimli was with them also. I recognized a girl from town who gave me a cold look

. "Do we have the rings?"

Elladan approached the platform with a small white dish.

"If anyone opposes this marriage please say so now, or forever hold your words." I held my breath. No one stood. Thank Eru.

"Proceeding," Elrond took the dish. One of the rings was a gold band carved with the crest of the kingdom along with vines. The next one was slightly smaller. It was a pale, gold, band crested with diamonds. Aerion took my ring and I took his. Elladan returned to his place.

"Do you, Aerion Thranduilion, Take Aralia to be your wife? To join your soul to hers, to protect her, to love her, and honour her for eternity?" Elrond looked from Aerion to me.

Aerion looked at me, "I do." He slipped the ring onto my finger.

Elrond turned to me, "Do you, Aralia Nithroniel, Take Aerion to be your husband. To join your soul to his, to love him, keep him, honour and hold him, for eternity?"

I slid the ring onto Aerions finger, "I do." Elrond held up his hands, "I now pronounce you Ellon and wife." Aerion stepped forward brushing his lips on mine. I smiled. He pulled back. The kingdom erupted with cheers and clapping. Aerion and I held our hands intertwined in the air. Elrond joined his sons. Thranduil and Velanna stood. They held an ornate box between them. Aerion and I stepped aside.

Thranduil turned to the people, "Today, I crown your new king."

Aerion dropped to his knee.

I backed up a little.

Thranduil pulled out his sword, placing it on Aerions right shoulder. "Aerion, Do you swear to rule this kingdom with a just hand, to protect its citizens and keep its lands free?"

"I will."

Thranduil moved the blade to his left shoulder, "Do you swear to fight for its reign. To stand for your kingdom, even if it means your life." My breath caught in my throat.

Aerion nodded, "I will." Thranduil put his blade away taking the crown from velanna. Aerion maintained his kneeling position. Thranduil placed the crown on his head. I smiled. Aerion stood. He winked at me. Velanna approached me holding a silver tiara studded with diamonds. She handed the tiara to Aerion who stood in front of me. I knelt in front of him.

Thranduil began, "Aralia, do you promise to serve your kingdom with loyalty and justice? To supports its king and care for its citizens?"

"I will," I stated. My voice was shaky. Aerion set the crown on my head. He helped me to my feet.

"Elves of the Woodland Realm, I present your new King and Queen!" Thranduil and Velanna stepped to the side. The crowd bowed before us. Aerion held his proud look. I cast my gaze over our people.

Our people.

Our land.

Our home.

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