The New King:

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I placed plates on our kitchen table. I put two biscuits and a bowl of stew on each.

"This looks wonderful Lia," My father placed his cloak on the hook by the back door.

"Thank you ada, It's ready," I took my place at the table and Ada took his. My soul had been quiet all day, which was slightly suspicious. It was late, so I assumed Aerion was asleep. Ada had been out fishing.

"How was your trip? I asked.

He smiled, "Good, The fish were biting. I put some on ice in the shed."

I had an idea, "How about the end of the week, I can make some batter for them?"

I knew fried fish was one of Ada's favourites, and we hadn't had it in so long.

"I like the sound of that."

We worked together to clean up the kitchen. Ada washed the dishes and I dried them. After, we sat in the living room. Ada was staring intently into the fireplace. I worried about him, sometimes he had flashbacks of things in the past.

"Lia, I was thinking maybe we should plant lilies by your mothers grave this year."

It was time already? Time flew by too quickly.

It had been 200 years since my nana's passing. Every year we took flowers to her grave. I knew her spirit had passed to the halls of Valinor but that didn't make not having her here any easier. Somedays, I wanted to sail west. I wanted to be with her again. Sometimes I felt bad, my father had stayed on middle earth so I had a chance to have a happy life. I knew he thought about sailing, There was a ship built every so often. Many elves had left middle earth already, but we wood elves stayed. A knock sounded at the door. Aerion? I hoped it was him.

"I'll get it," I walked over and opened the door to find Legolas.


I stepped outside, "Legolas, what are you doing here?"

He sighed, "Aerion, he's been hurt."

I felt a sharp pain in my chest, "What? How?"

Legolas stared at the ground, "He ended up in the river, and the current pulled him over the waterfall." The waterfall? The big waterfall? The one that's like, a 20-meter drop? I realized I had zoned out.

"I think you should come to the palace. It's not looking good. Ada has sent for Lord Elrond to come."

I nodded, "Can I ride back with you?" I ran inside.

Ada stood, "Lia, what's wrong?"

I choked out words through my tears, "It's Aerion, he fell over the waterfall. I need to go to him."

Ada hugged me, "Take as long as you need."

I grabbed my bag and a few vials of herbs and tinctures. I'm sure the royal healers had plenty but I wanted to bring a few of my own. Legolas boosted me onto his horse and climbed up in front of me. I could see the fear in his eyes.

We rode through the darkness until I saw the bright lights of the palace. My soul pulled me towards the building. I knew something was deathly wrong.

Legolas tied his horse outside the stable, "Come."

I followed him through the bright halls of the palace. He led me to two large, wooden, doors. They were pulled open by an elleth in a gray dress and white apron. "My Lord Legolas, come." Legolas led me down a narrow hall of doors to two ornate doors at the end. He opened those revealing a room with large windows and a bed. On the bed lay someone. Aerion. He looked dead, but his chest rose and fell shallowly. That was not a good sign.

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