A Dark Day:

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I rubbed the soreness out of my neck muscles. Ada's meeting took up almost my entire day.

"How are you holding up?" Ada poured wine into two glasses, passing one to me. I sipped the thick liquid, the buzzing sensation distracted me. It also burned slightly. My father liked his wine to be as strong as his army. We were left alone in the council room. I was slumped in my chair staring up at the carved ceilings.

"Aerion, I asked you a question." Ada looked over at me.

I sighed, "I'm fine."

My father did the eyebrow raise he did whenever he was skeptical of something, "My son, being King isn't easy but you are strong and in time, it will become perfectly natural to you." I

sat up, "Yes father."

He smiled, "Are you excited about the feast? Your mother and I are hoping it might take your mind off things." My thoughts went back to Aralia, I smiled.

Ada smiled at me, "Your mother told me you have asked Aralia to accompany you?"

I nodded. Her eyes appeared in my thoughts.

Ada turned towards the large window, "Aerion, I am stepping down from my throne. My crown will now pass to you."

The air left my lungs. I tried to respond but lacked the words. My hands shook and sweat dripped down my neck.

"Aerion?" Ada knelt in front of me.

I held my head in my hands.

"Aerion, you knew I was going to make my decision."

A petrifying fear stole my very ability to move. I held my head up, "Are you sure you must do it now?" I was afraid. I was afraid for Aralia and me. We had just discovered each other and I didn't want to offload my becoming king on her so soon. I kicked myself mentally. What was I? An elfling? No, I was Aerion. The next King of the Greenwoods. I straightened myself, "May I be excused?"

Ada took his place on his throne and waved me away with his hand.

I slipped out of the throne room. Which would become my throne room very soon. I needed a ride, a distraction. I walked to the large stable building where I kept onyx who eagerly greeted me from the stall. I opened the gate. Onyx nudged my shoulder.

"Mae g'ovannen Mellon," I rubbed the pink snip on his nose.

He whinnied as if to answer me. I combed him and tacked him up. I heard voices outside in the hall. I looked to find the stable master talking with a man. A mortal. I knew men came to trade horses for the rich resources of our kingdom. Onyx knocked me from behind.

I turned to him, "Ready?"

He danced in place anxiously. I swung onto his back and trotted him out of the stable. I waited until we were out of the yard before galloping him down the path.

The wind blew my silver hair behind me as we crossed over the fields. We came to a large tree that extended across the rapids of the river. I tried to ride onyx across it. He stood stark still.

"Come on Onyx, It's okay." I tried kicking his sides to get him to move. This tree had been wedged in the two banks since I was young. We had ridden over it hundreds of time before now. My horse stepped backwards.

"No, Forward," I barked at him. The stress snapped inside me.

Onyx tensed at the sound of cracking. The next thing I knew, I was in the water. I saw Onyx swim for the shore.

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