In The Middle Of The Night:

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I felt like I was three feet off the ground. Aralia, my Aralia. Oh, she was wonderful. Her brown eyes flashed through my mind. I felt a smile tug at the corners of my mouth. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. A storm growled outside my window. I looked at the empty space beside me and frowned. I mentally slapped myself, we definitely were not at that point yet. I wasn't going to take her to bed until we were married. I wouldn't sully her reputation for my own pleasure, unlike plenty of ellons I had heard about. Lightning cracked, lighting up my room. I felt a tug at my soul. Aralia. She was scared, I could feel it. I frowned, Of what? The storm? I sent a feeling of peace through her. I could feel her soul struggling. She was tense and agitated. I got out of my bed and pulled my warrior clothing on. I strapped my daggers to my thighs and added my bow. I pulled the hood of my cloak over my head. I opened the balcony doors, trying to keep silent. I shut the door and jogged to the edge of my balcony. A trellis ran the full height of the wall beside it. I grabbed onto the top and hooked my feet into the gaps. Scaling down the wall, I jumped the last eight feet, landing perfectly on mine. The lightning whipped across the dark sky, illuminating the sky covered with dark clouds. I ran to the stable. The door opened with a shrill groan. I winced, praying no one heard me. Rain pounded the ground, making splashing in the puddles.

I grabbed a rope halter and led my horse out of his stall, "I'm sorry, I know it's late my friend but she needs us." Swinging onto him bareback, I turned him west. We trotted down the path towards Woods Hollow. I didn't want to risk Onyx slipping in the thick mud. I strained to feel Aralia. She was sad and angry, agitated, and nervous.

I gritted my teeth, "I'm coming, Ari. Hold on." I clicked to Onyx, "Come on boy, just a little farther." We came to the bridge over the brook that ran through the village, the water was high. I turned down another narrower path until I came to the cottage.

The house was dark. I tied onyx under the thick trees. He would be safe enough. I walked around the house to the farthest window. A faint glow could be seen. The rain dripped down my back. Another flash of lightning allowed me to see a trellis that lined the wall up to the window. "Well, that's convenient," I laughed to myself. I scaled the trellis, being careful not to crush any of the blossoming flowers. I looked into the window, Aralia sat on the edge of her bed holding her head in her hands. I tapped on the window lightly. She looked up, a look of shock took over her beautiful, tear-streaked, face.

She opened the window, "Aerion, what in the name of the Valar are you doing here?"

I stepped in through the window, tossing my hood back. I pulled the window closed so the rain wouldn't get in, "I could feel your distress." She clutched her hands to her chest, "You didn't need to come all this way for a panic attack. They happen." I took off my cloak, leaving rainwater on the floor. Oops.

I pulled her into my arms, "That's the point, you shouldn't have to go through them alone." She tensed. I held her gently and stroked her soft hair. She sobbed softly into my chest. I picked her up and sat on the bed with her leaning against me. The storm raged on outside the window. I held Aralia for a long time.

She snuggled into me, "Thank you."

I kissed her cheek, "Any time, I mean it. If you need me, call for me. I don't care what time it is."

She sighed, "I haven't been able to sleep since the orcs." I rolled onto my side, pulling her into my arms. She lay with her head resting on my arm. I enjoyed the closeness immensely.

Aralia went silent for a few minutes and then jolted, "You probably shouldn't be here, my ada is going to kill you." She was right. I got up off the bed, my body ached to be close to her again. She sat on the edge of the bed, "I could grab one of our bedrolls for you." I agreed, that way I could be close but we wouldn't be sleeping together. She slipped into the hall and returned with a thick bundle. She rolled it out on the floor next to her bed, "Are you sure you're okay on the floor?" I'd slept on worse during my training days. "I'll be fine."

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