Not All Sunshine and Roses:

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I sat on the couch in our quarters reading my book. I spent most of my time reading. Aerion and I had been married for a month. We'd settled into married life well. We had our little bumps in the road like all couples, but we usually sorted them out. Aerion's new job consumed almost all his time. Legolas had been promoted to a sargeant, Calanon took over as trainer for the soldiers, and Katriella returned to Rivendell with Elrohir and Elladan. Arwen and Aragorn had stayed for a bit but duty called and Aragorn had to return to his kingdom. I tried to enter Aerions head, but he blocked me out. I frowned, he probably was in another meeting. I ventured out into the hall.

"Good Afternoon My lady," One of the guards opened the door for me. "Good afternoon Roviel," I replied. I walked down the hall to the large, wood and gold doors of the throne room. The palace gates were open, allowing a cool breeze into the canopied palace. I pushed the door open enough for me to slip in. I heard stern voices discussing something as I crept along the path to the throne.

"My lord, Orcs attacked the northern border."

Then I heard another voice, "Double the guard, take a troop from the west."

Aerion. I hid behind one of the tall pillars, standing in the shadow.

"My lord, do you deem that wise?"

I strained my ears.

"May it be done."

"Yes My Lord."

Two soldiers walked past my hiding place. I exhaled.

"You need not hide, you're always welcome here Ari."

I smiled as I stepped out of my hiding place, "I didn't want to interrupt." My husband looked majestic sitting up on his throne. I made my way up the steps. He helped me up, "I would have welcomed it." I sat gently on his lap. "So, what can I do for my queen?" He kissed me softly.

I shrugged, "I just wanted to see you." The thought of the orcs came back to me.

"How much did you hear?" He sighed.

I looked down, "Enough."

He kissed my neck, "I don't want you worrying, that's my job." I slid one arm around his neck, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Can I steal you tonight? I have a little surprise for you."

My heart fluttered, "I think I can fit you in."

He kissed my cheek, "Good." Two men appeared through the Throne room doors. They were dressed ruggedly. Aerion stood to greet them. They were escorted in by four guards.

"Hail, King Aerion!" The guards bowed. One of the strangers had his eyes fixed on me. I could feel his gaze peering through my soul. I stepped behind Aerion slightly, I could tell he felt my nervousness.

One of the strangers bowed, "My lord, we are passing through your lands on the way to Dale. We only ask to be permitted to camp out for the night." The two men stood from their bowing position.

Aerion nodded, "I grant you your request." They were shown out.

Aerion slipped his arm around my waist, "I need to get back to work, but I will be finished soon."

I smiled, "Okay."

I stepped down the stairs, "Oh Aer?"

He smiled, "What?" I smiled, "I love you." He smiled, "I love you."

          The sun was beginning to set. I waited on the balcony for the first stars to appear. I decided to venture out into the gardens. The evening air was stirred by a cool breeze. The faint twinkle of the stars began to make its appearance against the purple sky. I walked among the plants and trees. My skirt stirred up fireflies as I walked. I came across a stone bench set by a pond. A small bird was preening itself upon it.

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