Wedding Gowns & Elven Kings:

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"I don't think I like this one." I stared at myself in the tall mirror. Today was the day, I was selecting my wedding dress.

"It's not your style," Indilwen frowned. The dress I was trying clung to me a little too much. It was solid white silk with diamonds around the cuffs.

Velanna unbuttoned the back of it, "Well, We're one closer to finding the correct one."

I smiled. I knew Indilwen and Velanna were trying to keep this as stress-free for me as they could. Indilwen sat on the couch.

"Indy, are you sure you're not tired?"

She shook her head, "U, Lia, I'm great." Three weeks after the attack and Indilwen was back on her feet. Out of that dark time came some good. The village was being rebuilt, and Indilwen and Legolas were seeing each other regularly.

"I think you'll like this one Aralia!" Velanna picked up the next gown. I looked it over. It was plain white with a lace shoulder cape and train. I clapped my hands excitedly, "I like it!" Velanna helped me into the dress. The fabric slid over my body perfectly. I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"Oh lia, You look so beautiful." Indilwen gasped.

She was right, I didn't look half bad.

Velanna clasped her hands to her chest, " You look like a queen, Aerion will love it."

I felt tears well up in my eyes, "I think this is the one." The dress accented me perfectly. It was plain with some detail, It had a low neckline to make me look more mature but wasn't too revealing. The lace cape would be perfect since the wedding was in the early beginning of fall. The train was sheer and flowed around me like water.

I smiled, "I don't need to keep looking, I want this one."

Velanna was grinning ear to ear, "My son's jaw is going to hit the earth." Indilwen hugged me, "Everyone's jaws are going to hit the ground."

I shoved her, "Except Legolas's, His is already on the ground when he's around you."

She blushed a deep pink, "I'm sure that's an exaggeration."

Velanna put one arm around me and one around Indy, "I have the two most beautiful daughters-in-law to be."

I turned to my friend, "Indy, I would like you to be my maid of honour." "Lia, are you sure?"

I nodded. She'd always been like a sister to me. "I can't imagine anyone else."

I felt a tug at my soul, Aerion, he was longing for me. I would see him later, he was observing more of his father's business. It made me happy that he was thinking about me. However, I would see him later. Seeing as I lived just down the hall and through a set of doors.

"Have you thought any about a theme or place for the ceremony?" Indilwen sipped tea from her teacup. I had. "We want to have it outdoors with the feast happening in the outdoor dining hall of the Palace."

Indilwen took out the notebook we'd been keeping, "Excellent, sounds lovely."

The queen put the dress back in the intricate case, "Thranduil and I will supply the tent for the venue. We've also decided to gift you the palace cooks and gardeners." I sat down on the couch after my realization.

"Lia, what is the matter?" Indilwen sat beside me.

I cupped my hands over my face, "My father is leaving for Valinor, as soon Aerion and I are wed."

"Oh, I didn't know that. Don't worry, you will see him again," She comforted me.

I swallowed my tears, "I know, it is foolish to be this sad but I've never been alone without my father."

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