The First Battle:

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I suck at writing battle scenes...

I suck at writing battle scenes

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The rising sun loomed overhead as I rode through the thick forest. "Faster Eleniel!" I called to my horse. She understood. The mare picked up speed, throwing all her energy into it. Her white mane flew widely in the wind. She let out a happy whinny as we galloped our way through the fields. After a month of riding lessons from Aerion I was good enough to ride on my own. Eleniel and I made an excellent team. She understood me and I, her. We rode down a wooded lane towards a large log that lay across the path.

I leaned over her neck, "Ready?" She looked back at me. I knew she was. I braced myself as we sailed over the log. I extended my arms, feeling the wind. This was freedom. We landed on the other side with a slight thump and continued our ride. Eleniel stopped abruptly. She slammed her hooves into the ground causing her backend to almost touch the ground. I grabbed onto her thick, white, mane.We'd reached the crest, at the very edge of the Woodland Realm. I knew Aerion didn't like me to come here alone but I love its serenity, its beauty. The view consisted of the waterfall that poured over the ridge to the vast river below. Following the river with my eyes, I looked up to see the Lonely Mountain.

I adjusted myself onto my hands and knees on Eleniels back, "Ready girl? Let's try something new." I felt her tighten her muscles. I pushed myself up into a squatting position, then, slowly began to stand. I planted my feet on Eleniels back, willing myself not to fall.

"Woah." I whispered. The view was even more splendid higher up. Eleniel stood completely still. I extended my arms out to the side. A glittering light caught my eyes. My engagement ring. I smiled. Here I was, a simple healer, standing on the back of my favourite horse. A horse that was a gift from my wonderful fiance and I was about to be married and crowned queen of this beautiful land. The cool morning wind blew my wild hair behind me making it flow like a brown river behind my head. I admired how I had changed. Firstly, I'd started wearing my hair down. Secondly, I had ordered some leggings so riding was easier. Thirdly, I hadn't had a panic attack in weeks. I felt ready to take on the world. Eleniel whinnied shrilly into the wind as if she wanted to release some long-held pressure. I laughed. My horse had quite the personality. She went from detesting the stable hands to trying to make friends with them. At least, that's what I thought she was trying to do. So far this week Eleniel had managed to string one of them up to the rafters. Somehow, one of the stable hands had wound up with a rope twisted around his leg. The end of the rope was dripping over the rafter. Eleniel saw her chance. She pulled the end of the rope, lifting the poor Ellon off the ground, upside down. The poor elf had to be pulled down by his friend. No one had figured out how he found himself in that predicament. Word had spread around and eventually reached our ears at the palace. I didn't even need to see it to know what had happened. I pretended to be concerned but I was amused and quite impressed with my four-legged friend. I never told anyone for fear they would try to take Eleniel away. That had almost happened once.

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