Young & Beautiful:

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I rushed through the door of Indilwens seamstress shop, "Indy?" She rushed from the back room, "Lia? What's the matter."

I collapsed on the chair, "Everything! The ball is this evening and I don't have anything to wear!" I had tried to keep my calm but I was stressed out.

She smiled, "It's already taken care of."

I was confused, "Okay? But I don't have a dress yet."

She went to a mannequin that was covered with a white sheet. She pulled the sheet away to reveal the most beautiful gown I have ever set my eyes on.

I gaped at the gown, "Indilwen, There's no way I could afford it."

My friend grinned, " It's all paid for, It's a gift."

A gift? From who?

Indilwen jumped up and down clapping her hands, "Aerion had it made for you."

I stood and walked towards the gown. It was shimmery emerald green with green undertones. White jewels lined the low collar of the dress. Indilwen squealed in delight, "I've never had so much fun than I did with this one."

I turned to her, "Want to help me get ready?"

Indilwen ran a bath for me. I soaked in the warm water. I rubbed oils and cream on my skin to make me smooth.

I sat in front of the mirror, " I'm not sure what to do with my hair."

Indy looked me over, "Hm, I'm thinking of a side braid?"

I nodded, "let's try it." We tried several styles before deciding on a loose braid which allowed a few loose strands. Then, It was time to try on the gown.

"Okay, Pull!"

Indilwen yanked hard on my corset laces. I never wore one, I forgot how uncomfortable they were. Indilwen helped me into my first layer of skirts and then the gown overtop. I twirled around in front of the mirror.

"Oh Lia, you look beautiful."

I didn't know I could look so beautiful.

A knock sounded at the door.

"Oh, He's here," Indilwen left and returned with my father.

"Aralia, you're the spitting image of your mother."

I hugged him, "Ada, thank you."

He held me at an arms-length, "You're too pretty to touch," He kissed my cheek, "Come, let's find your prince."

I blushed with happiness.

       Indilwen led us into the larger front room. Aerion stood waiting for me. He looked so handsome in his black trousers tucked into black leather boots and black and silver tunics. The Prince's circlet sat on his head. His smile said it all.

"Ari, you look so beautiful," He stepped towards me and took my hands for a moment. I giggled, "What?"

"I am trying to take all this in. You are simply beautiful."

I stepped back and did a little sway, "Well you get this look tonight," I motioned with my hands to the area above my shoulders, "But you get this forever."

He kissed my cheek, "Even the goddess's pale in comparison to you."

I noticed he held three boxes in his hands. He opened the top one. It was a beautiful, emerald necklace. "Oh Aerion, It's lovely." He stared at me, "Not nearly as lovely as you." He held the necklace clasp open. I turned around so he could clip it on me. The jewel sat perfectly above my breasts making me look very mature.

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