The Second Meeting:

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I stood by the large glass windows outside Ada's office.

"Aerion, come in," Ada called.

I let myself through the doors.

He motioned to the chair in front of his large desk, "My son, what can I do for you?"

I sat down stiffly, "Ada, tell me about bonds." I didn't want this conversation lasting longer than it needed to.

He set down his quill, "Oh, I see." My father folded the parchment he was writing on, "Why do you ask?"

For a split second I regretted my question.

Ada folded his hands in front of him. I fidgeted nervously in my chair. "Well Aerion, when you meet the elleth you're supposed to marry, your soul will meet with hers and if she is for sure the right one, your soul will bind with hers. You might start to be able to feel each other's emotions and one day, when you have been together a long time, you might be able to communicate just through your bond. However, in order for that to happen, you would need to complete the physical part of your bonding."

I nodded. The color drained out of me.

Ada looked at me, "Do you believe you have felt yours?"

I decided to tell him about the girl from Woods Hollow, "The other day, Elladan fell off his horse and sprained his arm. I took him to the healers in woods hollow. There was an elleth there. I don't know how to explain it, I felt an attraction between us. Like we had a connection. And since then I have started to feel emotions that are not my own. I feel torn Ada. Like I'm here but half of me is out there. I feel, hollow without her. I've only met her twice but I can't deny it. No matter how odd it seems."

Ada smiled, "The young healer from Woods hollow? Brown hair and brown eyes?"

I nodded, "How do you know?"

Ada stamped something on the papers in front of him, "She was here just yesterday with her mentor. Her name is Aralia."

Aralia. I felt a warm blush crawl up into my cheeks. Even her name drove feelings through me I had never experienced before.

I mentally kicked myself. If I had stayed at the palace yesterday instead of going out on the trails with Calanon I wouldn't have missed her. "Aerion, be careful. I don't want you to get ahead of yourself."

I stood, "U Ada, I don't want to scare her off."

I dashed down the halls towards the hall where I and my siblings lived. The excitement flooded through me. I could have run all the way to the ruins of Mordor without respite. I pushed open the large wooden doors to our lounge and tea room. Katriella lay sprawled on the sofa reading. She sat up, "Aerion, how was your meeting with Ada?" I blushed. She must have seen me going into his office.

"It was fine, I just had a question for him."

She turned back to her book, "I see."

In the lounge, there were four other doors. All lead to one of our four bedrooms. Katriella and Legolas are on the left and mine and Calanons are on the right. I knocked on Legolas's door.

"Come in."

I opened the door. Legolas sat on the edge of his bed. He was still in his night clothes with his hair undone. I noticed dark shadows under his eyes. The room was dark and cold. I knew what happened.

I saw beside him, "The dreams came back again?"

He nodded, "Five years ago yesterday."

That was right. Five years ago yesterday the Battle at Helm's Deep had taken place. Saruman blew up the keep. Legolas had tried to take down the Uruk-Hai with the torch. While he had hit the beast the filth still managed to light the fuse. The wall blew killing a lot of elves and people. Legolas still blamed himself from time to time. No one blamed him. How could someone? 

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