Days Of Gold Beginning:

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I wrote this book when I was like, 15. Which was a long time ago...Let me know if you like it. I know it is a little cheesy. 


I dried myself off and rubbed oils in my hair. After two days of lying in bed I was ready to get out of here. However, there was a feeling of dread knowing that I was to become king and how I was going to have to explain it to Ari. I hoped this wasn't going to change things, even though I knew it would.

"You've got it bad."

I jerked from my thoughts, "got what?"

Ada chuckled, "The love bug, I'm serious. You walk around all day with that grin on your face."

"No, well, so do you."

Ada passed me my shirt, "Touche. Have you thought about how you're going to tell Aralia?"

I sighed, "I'm just going to be honest. I'm scared it's going to push her away."

My father placed his hands on my shoulders, "If she loves you she will stand by you with this."

I hope he's right. I know Aralia struggles with anxiety and she's hard on herself about everything but I think she'll make an amazing queen. Ada and I emerged from the bathroom to be greeted by my family.

"Oh my son, I was worried for you," Nana wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her back, "I'm fine mother, just hungry."

Ada stepped towards the door, "Come, let us leave this place and hope not to return for a long while. No offence to our wonderful healers." He smiled at the healers in the room with us.

One of the older healers laughed, "None taken My lord."

Aralia stood outside the door, I smiled at her. She shifted her gaze to the floor. I knew she was a little upset about the whole ordeal. I felt bad, I didn't expect my father to dump this on us so soon. We made our way to the dining hall where we were served by our servants. Aralia remained silent the entire meal.

After I had finished my sandwiches I asked, "Ari, will you come with me please?"

She nodded and we walked out of the dining room into a nearby hall. She stood facing away from me. I ached to hold her, to kiss her once more. "Aralia, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to find out like that."

She stiffened, I could feel her distress.

"I'm not angry Aerion, I knew this would come. You're going to be the king."

A servant walked by. I took her hand, "Let's get out of here so we can talk privately. Please?" She nodded.

I led her out a side door into the gardens, "Ari, please, I love you. And my coronation won't change that. I won't let my title get in the way if us. You come before everything."

She smiled at me, "You're going to be a great king because you sincerely care for others. I'm just worried I won't know how to help you be King. I am not royalty. I have no experience with courts or councilors or fancy balls. I don't belong in your world."

I pulled her into my arms, "You're going to be queen yes but before that you're going to be my wife."

"I want to be your wife, Aerion," She admitted.

All of a sudden a piercing squeal cut the air.

"Oh no!" Aralia took off running with me behind her. We rounded the stable corner to see a white horse rearing on its hind legs. The Stable hands were trying to pull the creature down.

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