Trouble In Paradise:

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The two orcs snarled as they approached. All of a sudden. I saw something appear on the other side of the fire behind them. The tall figure on a black horse jumped the flames. My eyes stung from the smoke. The elf sliced through the orcs and rode up beside me.

"Thank the Valar I found you."

My husband. He grabbed me by my waist and lifted me onto the saddle in front of him.

"Hold on Ari, We're gonna get out of here."

I coughed, "Eleniel, She's still out there."

Aerion turned onyx to dodge a falling branch, "She'll be okay, she knows her way home." I hoped he was right. We rushed through the trees dodging falling, inflamed branches as we went. The palace soon came into view.

"Lord Aerion!" We were met by a soldier.

Aerion lifted me off Onyx's back, "How goes the battle?" The soldier frowned, "We took care of the first, more will come will they not?" Aerion held me up, "Send three troops to the west border, bring wagons with buckets, The forest is engulfed." My lungs stung whenever I inhaled.

I felt light headed, "Aer-" I nearly fell over. He scooped me into his arms and brought me inside the palace.

"Call for the healers!" Aerion carried me down the hall. We arrived at the halls of healing to be met by several concearned elves. Aerion laid me on the bed. He removed my smokey clothing. He turned to leave, "Take care of her," he said to one of the healers.

The healer smiled, "Yes My Lord."

I frowned, he didn't even kiss me before leaving anymore. Aerion left, pulling the door closed behind him.

The healer smiled, "Alright My lady, I have here a tea that will help soothe your throat, and another to help relieve your headache." 

She placed two cups beside the bed. I took the first one, "Thank you." She nodded. I sipped the teas slowly, they soothed my throat almost instantly. I leaned back against the pillows, closing my eyes.


I sat on my horse, staring at the battlefield. Elves, orcs, and spiders, littered the ground. My first real battle as king. I felt wet drops land on my arms. The once clear sky was now clouding over. The rain would put out the fires, so I was grateful.

"My Lord, We lost 150." 150.

150 elves would not return home tonight. My heart throbbed.

I helped pile the orc bodies before heading back to the palace. My brothers and father greeted me anxiously.

"My son, I am proud of you, you handled it well," he put his hands on my shoulders. I shrugged. I was exhausted, angry, stressed, and feeling very weighed down. I went to the healer's quarters to check on Aralia. She was fully dressed and standing when I got there. 

"Aerion, I'm okay. I can leave now," She greeted me.

I nodded, "Good." I could sense her confusion.

I escorted her back to our room, in utter silence.

She sat on the bed, "Aerion, can we talk?"

I put my sword on my dresser, "I'm tired, maybe tomorrow."

She sighed, "Aerion, we need to talk about this. Sooner rather than later."

Something inside me snapped, "Why won't you obey me?!" I heard myself yelling. She narrowed her eyes.

"I told you, do not go off by yourself!"

She frowned, "I've been taking Eleniel out for rides because she's the only one that offers me any kind of companionship!"

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