Things Begin To Change:

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I wiped my paintbrush off on my rag. My eyes wandered over the canvas in front of me. I cocked my head just a bit to analyze a blamed patch of colors. Two strong arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me slightly.

"Elrohir." I smiled as my back met his warm chest.

He chuckled, "Yes?"

I turned to face him.

He looked past me, "Kat, this is beautiful." I stepped aside so he could see the full painting. I had just finished my painting of the night sky over Imladris. Elrohir and I had travelled back to the valley after my brother's wedding.

I smiled, "Thanks."

He stared at it, "You are a splendid artist. I think Ada will have this hung in the main hall."

I blushed, "Oh really?"

"I know it. Mind if I steal you?"

"You may," I let him lead me away from my canvas.

 We walked hand in hand along the marble path.

Elrohir led me away from the house, "Come."

I stopped, "Where are you taking me?"

Elrohir motioned, "I want to show you something." I followed after my fiance curiously. We came into a clearing, just down from the house. Elrohir's skin glowed slightly in the dark evening. We came into a clearing that held glowing flowers.

"These were my mothers, she loved coming here at night."

I could see, "They're stunning." Blue, pink, yellow, and even orange lights glowed from the plants. The light reflected on the snow around them. 

Elrohir pulled me close to him, "I love you."

I kissed his lips, "I love you too."

We heard a voice.

"Katriella! News from Eryn Lasgalen!"

Elrohir and I ran back to the house.

Elrond stood in the doorway, "A letter from Aerion."

I took the piece of paper scanning it with my eyes. "Aralia's pregnant." Elrohir and Elrond exclaimed happily. I was going to be an aunt.

"What's going on?" Elladan approached.

"Aralia and Aerion are expecting."

Elladan choked on his wine, "That was quick."

Elrohir squeezed me against him, "We're going to be an aunt and uncle soon!" I leaned on his shoulder while he kissed my head. 

Elrond smiled, " Have you chosen a date for your wedding."

I nodded, "Second week of spring."

Elrohir nodded, "We want to have it here, in the hall." We'd chosen Rivendell because we intended to live here afterward. I just needed to find a way to tell my parents.

"That sounds wonderful, the gardens will be in full blossom by then," Elrond stated. Elrohir smiled, "Yes." I looked down at the floor.

"Are you alright kat?" Elrohir sounded concerned.

"Oh, yes, I'm alright. Just tired."

Elrohir squeezed my shoulders, "Allow me to escort you back to your room?" I nodded. We walked along the dimly lit halls of the house of Elrond.

"You seem troubled my love, what is bothering you?" Elrohir stood outside my door.

I shrugged, "Everything's changing, so fast."

He brushed my hair out of my eyes, "That's to be expected. Not all the changes are bad, your brother is having a baby, that's something to celebrate."

I nodded, "I'm okay, just really tired."

He kissed my forehead, "Call for me if should need anything." 

I leaned against him, "Okay." I retired to my room for the night.


"I can't believe Aralia's pregnant," Indilwen stated as we walked.

"It's strange alright."

She chuckled, "We've been friends since we were elflings." The moonlight caught her dark hair, making it shimmer.

I walked with one arm around her waist, "I get happy when I think about new life, I have seen much death."

Indilwen frowned, "I'm sorry-"

I stopped her, "I need to stop being so pessimistic."

She turned to me, "I don't blame you, I have heard about many of the trials you endured. We all have."

I leaned on the wooden rail of the bridge, "Do you have any questions?" The girl shrugged, "Just, How did you do it? Seeing what you did."

I shrugged, "I prayed for internal strength. I killed and watched as my friends were killed, that doesn't rest easy but I know that if I hadn't, I would not be here with you right now."

Indy rested her chin on my shoulder, "Well If you ever want to talk I'm a good listener." The faint lights of the village came into view. "My brother wants to invite you for supper on the weekend, can you?"

I smiled, "I would enjoy that." We stopped in front of the familiar house. "This is me. Thank you for walking me back Lego."

I winked, "Anytime My Lady," I kissed the back of her hand. She smiled before closing the door. I could feel a faint spark between us. I hoped she felt it too.


I lay awake staring at the ceiling. My wife was asleep beside me with her head resting on my arm. I was excited at the prospect of being a father, but also terrified. Once that baby was born I was responsible for another life. That life would depend on me for protection, affection, and to take care of it. I pressed my free hand to Ari's stomach. I put my face next to her, "Hey little one, I'm your ada," I pressed a soft kiss to Ari's stomach, "Ada's going to take care of everything, promise." I pulled Aralia closer to me. She looked peaceful, and I was glad.

The sun came early, reflecting off the snow. I tried to get up without waking my queen up. Rest was very important for her right now. I kissed her cheek, before tucking Aralia in with all the blankets, "I Love you," I whispered before I went into the bathroom. I braided my hair, pulled my clothes on, and made for the dining room. I found my family sitting around the table.

"Goodmorning, No Aralia?" My mother greeted me.

I smiled, "Let her sleep, She's exhausted."

Naneth chuckled, " I remember those days. I did it four times." I took my plate from the cart and had Ari's sent to our room.

"Enjoy your sleep while you get it because once the baby is here, sleep becomes a rarity," My father added.

"I look forward to it." 

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