A New Type Of Life:

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I held onto Aralia's waist as we greeted our new kingdom. I had never felt so happy in my life. Aralia and I walked down the aisle and out of the pavilion into the bright sunlight. We ran along the path towards the palace. I stopped which pulled Aralia back towards me. I held her head between my hands and kissed her softly.

She pushed on my chest, "Aer."

The guests were starting to come down the path.

We reached the outdoor dining room that was fully decorated with the same flowers and vines as the pavilion. The guests reached to shake our hands as we stood in the center. Aralia held her beautiful smile the entire time. I could hardly keep my eyes off her. She caught my gaze. We smiled like complete lunatics for a few seconds. I led her to our place at the very front table. Arwen and Aragorn, Indilwen and Legolas sat to Aralias right and Calanon, along with Katriella, Elrohir, and Elladan sat to my right. Amme and Ada sat with Elrond and Nithron at another table.

My father stood and hushed the group, "Come, let us feast and celebrate tonight!" Everyone clapped and so the festivities began.

The servants brought out trays and trays of food to be put on the tables. Aralia was conversing with Arwen and indilwen quite happily. Then the dreaded time came. My mother stood up. The crowd hushed. "I thank you all for coming. It means so much to me that my son has so much support. I have to admit, I woke up a little sad this morning." She turned to me, "My baby is all grown up. I just wanted him to know that I am so grateful that I got to be and still am his mother. I could not be more proud of him and the ellon he has become." She had tears streaming down her cheeks. I smiled at her. Ada stood up next, "I have to agree with my wife. I was a little sad as well, but happy because my son found his love and has chosen to become who Eru made him to be. His whole life I have tried to protect him, to hover around him. I had to realize that he is not the same elfling who streaking through my council meeting naked." I put my hands over my face. Everyone around me cracked with laughter. Aralia looked at me with pity but her eyes gave her away. She pretended to be wiping her mouth but I could tell she was laughing.

Ada continued, "I am proud of you Aerion, you have turned into a very respectable ellon and king. May Iluvatar bless you." I nodded to my father. Elrond stood. Oh no.

"I was with Aerion during his schooling days in Imladris. Him and my twins got along. However, they did cause their mischief. I'll never forget the time Aerion was strung up a tree."

Oh Eru, why?

Elrond laughed, "Elladan and Elrohir had snuck away from their tutor. Aerion caught wind of their plans and followed them to the woods. Only to find Aerion hanging by feet upside down out of the oak tree." I laughed at the memory. Aralia looked at me laughing. She didn't even try to hide her amusement. Elrond sat down.

Elrohir stood, "I think I speak for both me and my brother. Aerion, you've always been my best friend, we've had many fun times and some not so fun times. Many fights we have fought together. I hold you in the highest respect. As a warrior, as a king, and as a brother." He sat down. I clapped along with everyone else.

Calanon stood next, "Aerion, I was instructed to be nice to you. I admire the strength you obtain. You've always been the brave one. You ran ahead of everyone during the wars. You lead us to combat when there's an attack, the nights when I was an elfling afraid of monsters under my bed you would check under the bed for me. Also, I've forgiven you for all the times you threatened to string me up in the closet if I didn't eat your cucumbers." Nana looked over at me with a curious look.

Aralia set down her glass, "You don't like cucumbers?"

I shook my head, "Never did."

Katriella was next to stand up, "Aerion, you're the best big brother I could ask for. You took the blame for me when I shattered Amme's favorite vase. Sorry mother." Naneth was laughing along with my father. "And all the times cookies went missing, it wasn't rats. It was us." Katriella looked over at the cook who had joined the party, "Sorry about that." She told more tales about our childhood which had the crowd roaring with laughter. I expected Legolas to say something but he held his peace. The musicians began to play and I led Aralia to the dance floor for our first dance. I twirled Aralia around, the white dress swirling around her. She laughed as I pulled her against me. She was light on her feet.

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