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*Clears throat nervously* He-hey guys. Sorry this took so long. I sort of forgot wattpad even existed for about a week....


~The airs pov~

The large army charged across the plains. Their leader hopes to lead them through to victory. The king looked on as the ruins came into view. Legolas took his regiment to the west end of the ruins, not without being seen. Two dark figures could be seen from the tops of the old stone towers. The army came to a halt a few yards from the base. "Let the leader come forth!" Aerion raised his sword above his head, "Let him face the ones he has taken much from!" A fire-like light could be seen from the halls and windows of the old fort. Orcs poured out. 

"Stand your ground!" Aerion stated to his army. The elven and the orcs now stood at a battle stance. A large orc shouted something in their language.


"Onward, to victory!" I kicked onyx into a gallop making for the assembly of orcs. I heard hooves a thunderous sound behind me. Onyx and I crashed through the rows of orcs. I used my sword, slashing right and left. I saw my father and brother not far from me. Clanging metal sounded all around me. I sliced the neck of one orc, stabbing another directly after. I kept my thoughts trained on Aralia, if I lost, she and the baby would be hurt. That gave me the adrenaline to keep going. I jumped off Onyx's back into a cluster of orcs. Onyx bolted down the stoney street. I knew he would be okay. I stabbed my sword into an orc's side just as something head-locked me.

"Prepare to die, elfling."

I grabbed for one of my knives, stabbing it behind me. It hit flesh and I could hear the orc choke on its own blood.

"Aerion behind you!" I listened to an arrow wiz over my head.

Calanon appeared beside me, "I'm not going to let Aralia lose you." I clapped his shoulder before stabbing another orc with my knife. I could no longer see my father. A group of dwarves charged up the street. The dwarves had come to our aid.

"Aerion! Fancy meeting you here," Elladan stabbed at the orcs around us.

I smiled, "Good to see you, Mellon."

He pulled out his bow, jumping on a piece of the crumbled wall, "Elrohir went with some of our soldiers to bail out Legolas. They're overrun down there." My eyes blurred at what I saw. Elves and dwarves lay dead on the snowy ground. I climbed up on the stone wall. Below me lay the battlefields. I spotted my father, fighting close to Legolas. After letting loose a sigh of relief I whistled for my horse. I smiled as my horse crashed through a group of orcs. Elladan appeared on a horse beside me.

"We should go in deeper. See where they're coming from," Elladan suggested.

I nodded, 'We'll need backup."

Elladan blew a loud horn. The horn of Imladris. A group of Rivendell elves lined up behind us. I led them through the throng of orcs pouring out.

"Burn It out!"Elladan called. I grabbed a lit torch off the wall, throwing it into the hall. It caught on the wooden support beams.

"Bring it down!" Elladan yelled. The flames started to spread. I left to find my brothers. Calanon was battling a large orc. I pulled my bow, killing it instantly. I pulled him onto my horse behind me. We rode out of the ruins and into the battlefield, slashing and stabbing as we went. I saw Legolas and Gimli tackling a crowd of orcs.

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