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(I want to be that couch so badly)

Chapter One
Chloe's POV

All 9 of us sat in the doctors office.

I held Zoella, Ashlyn held Cecilia, Lucy held Nadia, Emma held Bradley, and Melanie held Aidan.

The doctor had already gotten blood from the boys and was about to get it from the babies.

"Will it hurt them?" Calum asked.

"No they won't feel it, babies never do" The doctor said.

The doctor pricked Cece's heel and she let out a loud cry.

"You said it wouldn't hurt!" Calum yelled.

"You're hurting them!" Michael cried.

The doctor must've just blocked all the boys yelling out as he pricked the 4 other babies getting there blood.

The doctor left the room and I rocked Zoella trying to calm her down.

*25 Minutes Later*

The doctor walked back into the room.

"So..." Ashton said.

"You're all fathers" the doctor said.

*1 Hour Later*

"Ashton no!" Emma yelled.

"He's my son I can put him up for adoption if I want to Emma!"

Ashton refuse to take care of Bradley, he wants to put him up for adoption but Emma doesn't want him to do that.

Luke is iffy about the whole thing but he doesn't want to put Zoella up for adoption.

Calum is happy, he took responsibility and that surprised me.

I thought he would be the one not wanting to keep his baby and I thought Ashton would take responsibility but I was wrong.

"Babe I think she pooped" Luke gaged.

I giggle.

"Then c-change her" I say.

"I don't know how!" Luke says.

"Show you" I say.

Luke nods.

He hands me Zoella and I tell him to bring me her diaper bag.

I take out a clean diaper, some wipes and vaseline.

I show Luke how to change the diaper and to put some vaseline on her bum so she doesn't get a diaper rash.

"H-Hold her, need to make bottle" I say.

Luke carefully takes his daughter and holds her before I walk off to the kitchen.

Ashton and Emma are still fighting and have been since we all got back.

Ashton's bedroom door slams and Emma walks into the kitchen angrily and begins to cry.

I don't speak to her, she needs a minute to calm down. I make Zoe's bottle and bring it to Luke.

"Be back, n-need talk t-to Emma" I explain and he nods.

I head back into the kitchen and pull Emma in for a hug.

"He just doesn't understand Chlo, those homes are horrible" Emma cries.

Emma was put into foster homes when she was younger so she knows.

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