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Chapter Twenty Three
*2 Weeks Later*
Chloe's POV

I'm almost fully recovered. I still have to take it easy for the next 3 days but after that I should be fine.

Arielle is already 3 and a half weeks old!!

She's growing up so fast!

The twins birthday is soon. On May 20th!

Michael's renting a ball pit for the babies to play in.

Arielle lets out a cry and I rock her in my arms.

Marie walks down the hall and Melanie follows behind her.

I put the breast feeding blanket over myself before I start to feed Arielle.

*4 Hours Later*

Luke frowns and I kiss him.

"I'll be fine Luke, y-you have to go" I say.

He has to leave for a week to have Derpcon #2

"I don't want to leave you, Zoe, or El" Luke says.

"Promised the fans" I say.

"Luke come on!" Ashton yells.

Luke kisses me before leaning down and kissing Arielle's head.

"Zoe come say bye" I say.

Zoella runs over and grabs onto Luke's leg.


Luke smiles and picks her up.

"Bye baby, daddies going bye bye for a while" Luke says.

Zoella frowns.

"Come back?" she asks.

"Yes, daddy will come back" Luke says.


Luke gives Zoella a kiss before she begins to squirm.

Luke puts her down and she runs towards Cecelia as Cecelia runs towards her.

They run into each other and fall to the ground.

They both start to laugh and get back up chasing after Bradley who had wandered over.

Nadia and Aidan watch as the three older babies run around.

They will learn to walk soon.

Luke kisses me one more time before leaving.

The van drives away and Melanie squeals.

She pushes Lucy into a chair and opens a bag pulling out multiple boxes of hair dye.

"You don't have a choice, Lucy I'm dying your hair purple, Chloe I'm dying your hair blue, Ashlyn I'm dying your hair red, Emma I'm dying the ends of your hair pink, and I'm dying my hair black" Melanie says.

"Oh god"

"Are you dying my hair purple because Luke's hair purple?" Lucy asks.

I head upstairs and head into Arielle's nursery before I begin to feed her.

*4 Hours Later*

"Thought I'd hate it but I-I don't" I say.

"I actually love it even though I dislike the colour purple and even though its pretty bright!" Lucy says.

"I like it too! And I like mine" Ashlyn smiles.

"The pink is really nice" Emma says.

"I like the black" Melanie smiles.

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