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Can we get 10 comments for the next chapter?

Also I'm going to start asking questions again!!

Q1- What's your favorite thing/chapter/line/character from the first book?
Q2- Fav fan fic you've ever read?
A- My fav fan fic I've ever read is Called Rags Meets Riches by @//Larry_Lashton The book is so good and so emotional, you get so attached to the characters. It's a Lashton fan fic and I suggest you read it because its amazing. I cry every time.

Also be prepared for a dramatic chapter. Tears are spilt and its a certain blondes fault.

Chapter Nine
Chloe's POV

"What" Calum says.

"Oh my god"

"It's Luke's right?" he asks.

I nod through my tears.

Calum wraps his arms around me and holds me as I cry.

"How long?" Calum asks.

"T-Test said 1-2 w-weeks" I whisper.

"Does Luke know?"

I shake my head.

"W-What do I-I do?" I cry.

"I don't know" Calum frowns.

"But whatever you do I think you should keep it, I know you'll hate yourself forever if you don't keep it" Calum says.

I nod.

"Why don't we go inside" Cal says.

"O-Okay" I say.

*4 Hours Later*

"Babe what's the matter?" Luke asks.

"You've been acting strange all day" he adds.

Zoella squeals from her spot between us on Luke's bed.

I look up at Luke with teary eyes.

"Baby what's wrong?" Luke asks.


I quickly get up and run to the bathroom shutting and locking the door.

I vomit in the toilet and sit on the floor crying.

"Chloe open the door!" Luke says.

"Chlo please tell me what's wrong!" Luke says loudly.

Zoella begins to cry and Luke curses under his breath.

"Chloe come out!" Luke shouts banging on the door.

"What's going on?" Calum asks.

"I have no clue! She's been acting strange all day and now she vomiting and won't come out of the bathroom" Luke say.

"Cal you know why don't you"

"I...." Cal says.

"Tell me please!" Luke says.

"Cal don't!" I cry.

"I can't Luke" Calum says.

"It's her decision if she's going to tell you or not, and if she decides to do something there won't be anything to tell you" Calum says.

I frown. I would never get an abortion.

I wipe my eyes as I hear the bedroom door shut.

Zoella's crying gets farther away and I know Luke has left the room to go feed her.

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