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Chapter Twenty One
Luke's POV

I walk out of Arielle's nursery and head into Zoella's.

"Zoella baby wake up" I say softly.

Zoella quickly stands up in her crib.

"Dada!!" She squeals happily.

"Hi baby! Did you miss daddy?"

"Miss daddy" Zoe says.

I pick her up and she smiles hugging me.

I change her diaper before kissing her cheek.

"Zoe do you want to meet your baby sister?" I ask.


I nod and carry Zoella into Arielle's nursery.

"Zoe see the baby" I say.

"Baby no! My mama!" Zoe yells and reaches her arms towards Chloe.

"Mama's feeding baby Arielle"

"El no!" Zoe cries.

"Mama kiss!"

I frown. I really hoped Zoella wouldn't feel jealous but oh well.

I carry Zoella over to Chloe and she gives her a kiss.

"El kiss" Zoe says.

"When she's done eating you can give her a kiss okay" I say.


"Do you wanna go have lunch?"


I look at Chloe.

"I'm just going to go feed her and then put her in the playroom" I say.

Ashlyn or Emma is always in the playroom watching the babies.

We don't leave them unattended, at least not yet...👀

Chloe nods and I head downstairs and into the kitchen.

I sit Zoe in her highchair beside Cecilia who is eating some noodles.

"Hi Ce!" Zoella squeals.

"Hi Zee!" Cecilia says.

They make baby sounds before Cece hits her spoon sending noodles flying against the white wall.

Calum's eyes widen and he looks at me.

"Oh shi-sugar" Calum says.

"Nice save" I say.

"The girls are going to kill us!"

"Us?! I had nothing to do with the noodles!" I say.

Cecilia squeals and her and Zoella laugh.

"Okay fine, the girls are going to kill me!" Calum pouts.

"I suggest you start to clean it now before one of them come into the kitchen"

I flip the grilled cheese I'd been cooking.

Calum gets up to get a wet cloth to clean the saucy pasta mess as Ashlyn and Lucy walk into the kitchen.

"Who the hell got pasta sauce on the wall!?"

"Dada!" Cece yells and points at Calum.

Zoe points at Calum as well.

"You little liar! You're the one that hit the spoon" Calum said looking at Cece.

"I will clean it! You will just smear it everywhere" Ashlyn says.

I turn off the stove and put the grilled cheese on a plate before cutting it into 4 triangles.

I put the plate in the freezer for a couple minutes before taking it out and putting 2 of the triangles on Zoella's tray.

"Luke can y-you come here for a minute?" Chloe calls.

"Hey her stutter is really improving!" Calum says.

"She's been working on it a lot" Lyn says.

"Luc can you watch Zoe for a couple minutes?" I ask.


I head upstairs and spot Chloe in our room.

I walk in and she lets out a yawn.

"Can y-you watch her well I-I shower?" she asks.

I frown noticing the bags under her eyes.

"Of course, I'll bring her downstairs, I know everyone wants to hold her" I say.

"Thank y-you"

"After your shower please take a nap, I can watch Arielle for a couple hours and I'll wake you up when she needs a feeding" I say.


"Where is she?" I ask.

"In the bassinet"

I look towards Chloe's side of the bed and spot the bassinet.

Chloe doesn't want Arielle sleeping in her nursery yet.

She wants her close to her.

She also doesn't want to leave Arielle unattended.


I kiss Chloe's lips and we exchange I love you's before she heads into the bathroom to shower.

I pick Arielle up and carry her downstairs.

"El kiss now?" Zoella asks.

"When you're done eating" I say.

"She's finished now, just gotta clean her, I'll do that since your hands are full" Lucy says.

"Thanks. Where's the twins?" I ask.

"They are passed out in bed with Michael" Lucy says.

She cleans Zoella's hands and face with a wipe before setting her down on the ground.

Zoella runs towards me and I hold Arielle carefully.

Lucy comes over and picks Zoella up.

"Kiss El?" Zoe asks.

"Yes you can kiss Arielle"

Lucy lowers Zoella and lets her kiss Arielle's head.

"My baby?" Zoella asks.

"She's your baby sister" Lucy says.

*45 Minutes Later*

"I want to hold her! You've been holding her for 8 minutes!" Ashton whines.

"Jeez alright here you go, make sure you support her head" Emma says.

"Em I have a baby" Ashton says.

"Your baby was 5 months when you got it" Emma says.

"This baby is only 2 and a half days old"

"Okay alright" Ash says.

The front door opens and Melanie walks in pulling a girl in behind her.

"Everyone this is Marie, my girlfriend!" Melanie says her fingers linked with Marie.

"Wait you're gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that!" Michael says.

"Bi" Melanie smiles.

"I'm happy for you" I smile.

"Alice is not happy but I don't give a fuck because she isn't even our manager anymore, well at least not Galaxy's"

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